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Insights (20)

How does the story of Adam and Eve relate to contemporary discussions about human history?
The story is presented as a potential mythological framework that could hide deeper truths about humanity's creation and origins, including possible extraterrestrial influences. This challenges traditional interpretations and invites a broader exploration of history.
What role do the Knights Templar play in the history of human civilization?
The Knights Templar are portrayed as keepers of ancient secrets and knowledge, believed to have links to advanced civilizations like Atlantis. Their quest for understanding and preserving historical artifacts contributes significantly to the narrative of human origins.
How did the Templars operate as a multinational corporation?
The Templars coordinated various roles within their organization, including agriculture and transportation, thus establishing a complex, transnational network that capitalized on their unique discoveries.
What was the significance of the Zohar to the Templars?
The Zohar provided the Templars with essential insights into navigation and the mysteries of creation, which they deemed crucial for their mission and knowledge preservation.
How did Gnostic beliefs shape the Templars' view of sacred texts?
Gnostic beliefs encouraged the Templars to interpret sacred texts symbolically and seek individual divine revelations, marking a departure from traditional Roman Catholic doctrines that emphasized dogma over personal understanding.
What is the significance of the Templars' connection to the cabalistic tree of life?
The cabalistic tree of life represents a spiritual framework that Templars adopted to understand the relationship between the human body and sacred architecture, tying their beliefs to significant Hebrew letters and elemental associations.
How did the labyrinths within cathedrals facilitate spiritual growth?
The labyrinths represented an inner journey towards self-discovery and enlightenment. By walking through the labyrinth, individuals engaged in meditation and reflection, ultimately leading to a deeper understanding of themselves and their spirituality.
What innovations did the Templars introduce in medicine and healing?
The Templars introduced significant advancements in medicine by studying alchemy to create herbal elixirs and antibiotics. Their techniques included using honey for wound healing and extracting medicinal properties from molds, laying early foundations for modern medicine.
What role did Gnostic beliefs play in the design of Gothic cathedrals?
Gnostic beliefs influenced the design of Gothic cathedrals by embedding symbolic representations of spirituality, such as fire and light, into the architecture. This was meant to guide visitors towards a higher consciousness and personal enlightenment.
Why did the Roman Catholic Church perceive Gnostic ideas as a threat?
Gnostic ideas suggested that individuals could access divine knowledge without the mediation of priests, which undermined the Church’s authority and financial interests, leading to a backlash against groups like the Templars.
How did the Templars influence cathedral architecture in Europe?
By integrating hermetic symbols and alchemical imagery into cathedral designs, the Templars melded ancient wisdom with religious architecture, affecting spiritual and cultural expressions in medieval Europe.
What challenges arose from the Templars' discoveries in Jerusalem?
Their findings, particularly ossuaries bearing names like Yeshua and Mary, raised questions about established Christian dogma, potentially rewriting parts of early Christian history and challenging authoritative narratives.
What was the significance of the Templars studying hieroglyphs in ancient Egypt?
The Templars aimed to access ancient knowledge and alchemical practices by engaging with local groups, leading to a deeper understanding of esoteric traditions that they incorporated into their beliefs and practices.
What was the Templar communion rite involving the secret Mana?
The rite centered around the extraction of a special substance known as the White Stone, believed to possess miraculous properties tied to ancient sacred traditions, hinting at a deep connection between alchemy and spirituality.
How did the Templars' Gnostic beliefs differ from traditional church views during this time?
The Templars interpreted Christian stories symbolically and focused on personal spiritual awakenings, in contrast to the traditional church's literal interpretation of resurrection and emphasis on the clergy's role in salvation.
What impact did the discovery of Jesus and Mary Magdalene's marriage have on the interpretation of Christian doctrine?
The discovery posed a serious challenge to Christian doctrine, undermining core beliefs about Jesus's life and resurrection, which could lead to a re-examination of historical events and sacramental teachings within Christianity.
How did ancient cultures view the changing seasons in relation to the goddess?
Ancient cultures saw the goddess as a critical figure in the seasonal cycles, symbolizing renewal and fertility, as well as being integral to agricultural practices connected to harvest and rebirth.
What themes are prevalent in the interactions between the Templars and indigenous cultures?
The Templars encountered a rich tapestry of beliefs emphasizing the feminine aspect of divinity, often neglected in their own culture, highlighting a profound intersection between different spiritual traditions.
How does the alignment of obelisks in Manhattan reflect ancient Egyptian beliefs?
The alignment of obelisks in Manhattan mirrors ancient Egyptian cosmology, particularly the belt stars of Orion, which were associated with the god Osiris, reinforcing the cultural importance of astronomy and spiritual symbolism in urban planning.
What historical significance does the proposed prime meridian at 16th Street have?
The proposed prime meridian at 16th Street represented an attempt by the President to establish a unique geographic reference point for the United States, symbolizing national identity and astronomical innovation, although it was ultimately not passed into law.
Go to original video by Zohar ANCIENT HISTORY

Knights Templar: They Are Not Who You Think | Secrets of the Knights Templar S1 EP1

The Origins of Adam and Eve and Human History

"Is the story of Adam and Eve more than just a myth? What if humanity was crafted by beings from another world?"

  • The video introduces a thought-provoking question about the story of Adam and Eve, proposing that it might not merely be a myth. It hints at the possibility that extraterrestrial beings could have played a role in human creation, challenging traditional narratives of human origins.

  • It suggests that there may be ancient secrets held by groups such as the Knights Templar which could shed light on human history and the true beginnings of life on Earth.

The Knights Templar and Their Secrets

"We have a story to tell about the history of the Templars and their incredible discoveries."

  • Timothy Warren Hogan, introduced as the Grandmaster of the Knights Templar, emphasizes the order's historical significance, particularly their discoveries linked to ancient civilizations.

  • The narrative begins in Scotland, where Hogan discusses his personal ties to the Templars and Freemasonry, adding a personal dimension to the historical journey that follows.

The Grand Lodge of Scotland: A Repository of History

"I can think of no better place to go than the Grand Lodge of Scotland."

  • Hogan guides viewers to the Grand Lodge of Scotland in Edinburgh, where significant ancient artifacts are housed. This location is pivotal for uncovering the connections between the Templars, Freemasonry, and broader historical narratives.

  • The visit aims to reveal materials that play a crucial role in understanding the enigmatic aspects of Templar history and their link to ancient wisdom.

The Inauguration of Robert Burns: A Symbol of Legacy

"This painting shows the inauguration of Robert Burns as Port Laureate of Lodge Canon Gate."

  • A key piece of artwork is presented, depicting the inauguration of renowned poet Robert Burns in 1787. This painting holds not only artistic value but also historical significance, situating Burns within a Templar context.

  • Burns' connection to the lodge reflects the intertwining of literature, tradition, and the secretive Templar history, symbolizing the legacy passed down through generations.

The Templars and Their Quest for Knowledge

"The beginning of the Knights Templar started in 1096 when two knights came together and shared their understanding."

  • The video transitions to recount the formation of the Knights Templar, initiated by two knights from different backgrounds who sought to uncover hidden knowledge about an ancient and advanced civilization.

  • Their journey took them from France to Constantinople, where they engaged with groups preserving ancient wisdom, thus setting the stage for their later activities in Jerusalem.

The Search for Atlantis and Lost Civilizations

"Within these writings of Plato, they came to learn of the name of this ancient civilization known as Atlantis."

  • The Templars' exploration leads them to discover references to Atlantis in the texts of Plato, considered a highly advanced civilization. This discovery serves as a foundation for their research into humanity's past and technological achievements.

  • Their quest involves delving into ancient Egyptian temples, where they aim to gather more evidence about this lost civilization and its impact on later cultures.

The Zohar and Templar Discoveries

"The Templars began to find several boxes that fit the description of the Ark of the Covenant and discovered these boxes acted as a form of electrical capacitor."

  • The Templars encountered texts, particularly the Zohar, which were critical for understanding navigation and earthly knowledge. Unable to translate the texts themselves due to language barriers, they sought help from trusted Jewish scholars.

  • Among these discoveries, they found multiple boxes resembling the Ark of the Covenant. These boxes operated as electrical capacitors, capable of storing static electricity, posing significant danger if not handled correctly.

The Preservation of Knowledge

"The Templars realized that it would be irresponsible to turn some of this knowledge over to any one authority because it could be abused."

  • As the Roman Church sought to acquire these knowledge and artifacts, the Templars recognized the potential for abuse and thus decided to store the information in various vaults spread across Lebanon, Portugal, and Scotland.

  • This decision marked the beginning of the Templar order's true mission, aiming to protect and preserve their findings rather than simply yielding to Roman Church control.

The Multinational Organization of the Templars

"Most people think of the Templars as knights on horseback, but they actually became the first multinational corporation."

  • The Templars expanded their organization into a complex network involving farmers, sea captains, and stonemasons, effectively creating the foundations of a multinational corporation.

  • Their efforts included the establishment of Gothic structures across Europe, which served both practical and symbolic purposes in preserving the sacred knowledge they uncovered.

Ancient Knowledge and Secrets

"They found a substance they assumed was mana, which had very mysterious properties capable of healing and stimulating consciousness."

  • In addition to physical artifacts, the Templars stumbled upon a substance referred to as mana in biblical texts, attributed with remarkable healing properties. This discovery extended their lifespan and sparked further exploration among the Egyptian hieroglyphs for instructions on how to produce it.

  • Additionally, they uncovered ancient maps that elucidated territories across the ocean, incorporating leading-edge navigational tools such as the magnetic compass—significantly before its widespread use.

The Connection Between the Zohar and the Grail

"The Zohar, described as a blueprint for creation, became intertwined with the Grail romances published by the same company in Toledo."

  • The Zohar included intricate discussions about creation and the structure of divine consciousness, positing a symbolic connection between itself and the Holy Grail—an idea reinforced by the overlapping publication of both texts in the early 1200s.

  • This association sparked intrigue about the Templars' role as guardians of the Grail, intertwining religious mysticism with esoteric knowledge gleaned from their explorations in the Holy Land.

Origins of the Templars and Gnostic Beliefs

"Lorraine had its origins within the cabalistic tree of life, representing the middle pillar and three horizontal paths associated with the Hebrew letters."

  • The Templars were influenced by the cabalistic tree of life, specifically its middle pillar, which symbolizes a pathway with three horizontal steps aligned with significant Hebrew letters: Mem, Aleph, and Shin.

  • Each letter corresponds to elements—Mem relates to water, Aleph to air, and Shin to fire—and this principle was reflected not just in the human anatomy but also in the design of King Solomon's Temple.

  • The concept of "As Above, So Below" suggests that the human body is a microcosm of the temple, revealing a spiritual connection between physical structures and human existence.

Architectural Symbolism in Cathedrals

"As you enter a cathedral, the baptismal font is at the area of the belly button or abdomen, the choir is at the chest, and the sanctuary is at the head."

  • The Templars applied this symbolic framework to the cathedrals they built across Europe, embedding spiritual significance into architectural design.

  • For example, the design reflects the human body with the baptismal font representing the abdomen, the choir signifying the lungs or chest, and the sanctuary symbolizing the head, where divine light is celebrated.

  • The passage through the arch as one leaves the cathedral is metaphorically connected to a birth canal, symbolizing spiritual rebirth or enlightenment as one exits.

Gnostic Influence on the Templars

"The original nine Templars came from Gnostic families interpreting sacred texts symbolically, seeking a different understanding than Roman Catholicism."

  • The Templars were rooted in Gnostic traditions, which encouraged personal interpretation of scriptures, differing from the dogmas of the Roman Catholic Church.

  • Encounters with groups like the Mandans, a Gnostic sect emphasizing the importance of John the Baptist over Jesus, expanded the Templars' perspectives on biblical figures and teachings.

  • This Gnostic perspective centered around personal divine revelations and the belief that true understanding of oneself leads to spiritual ascension.

The Concept of Gnosis and the Goddess Sophia

"Gnosticism emphasizes direct personal divine revelations, moving beyond the need for priests to achieve spiritual fulfillment."

  • Gnosticism, derived from the Greek word "gnosis," values personal experience of the divine and self-knowledge over ritualistic practices imposed by religious institutions.

  • Legends relating to Sophia, the goddess of wisdom, illustrate the journey of the soul through entrapment in the material world toward reunification with the universal consciousness, known as Christos.

  • The process of spiritual awakening involves shedding one's dependence on physical existence and engaging in a conscious search for deeper truths and connections.

The Symbol of Abraxas and Templar Philosophy

"Abraxas, a Gnostic symbol adopted by the Templars, represents the struggle between material enslavement and the keys to higher consciousness."

  • The Templars embraced the Gnostic symbol of Abraxas, depicted with snake legs and an unusual appearance, illustrating the duality of existence and the journey towards enlightenment.

  • Each element of Abraxas' representation conveys stages of spiritual initiation, emphasizing mastery over emotions and the necessity of transitioning from the material to a higher consciousness through knowledge.

  • The belief was that personal trials and revelations, symbolized through baptism by water and air, ultimately lead to transcendence and enlightenment.

Gnostic Influence on Architecture and Spirituality

"The Templars studied Gnostic philosophies and interjected these ideas into the architecture of churches throughout Europe."

  • The Templars engaged with Gnostic ideas, particularly the symbolic representations of fire and light. They found parallels with their own beliefs and started embedding these concepts into the architectural designs of Gothic cathedrals.

  • These cathedrals were constructed as representations of the human body, often focusing on figures like Mary, which is highlighted in the term "Notre Dame," meaning "Our Lady." This suggests a deeper connection to spirituality and divinity.

  • Visitors to these cathedrals were intended to attune with their higher self, with the hope of emerging as embodiments of universal consciousness rather than just traditional Christians.

Labyrinths as Symbols of Inner Journey

"Many of the cathedrals incorporated a labyrinth that represented the journey to Jerusalem, understood as a pilgrimage within oneself."

  • The labyrinths within Gothic cathedrals served as metaphors for spiritual pilgrimage, symbolizing the inner journey towards enlightenment and self-discovery rather than a physical trek to the Holy Land.

  • Walking the labyrinth was a meditative practice; it involved contemplation of one’s identity and eventually led to the center, symbolizing a destination of self-realization and illumination.

Challenges to Dogma and Templar Suppression

"These Gnostic ideas, while enlightening, became a threat to Roman Catholic dogma, leading to the Templars' downfall."

  • The Gnostic beliefs promoted self-access to divine knowledge without the necessity of priestly intervention, which challenged the authority and business model of the Roman Catholic Church.

  • This conflict contributed significantly to the suppression of the Templars in 1307, along with accusations of heresy linked to their associations with non-Catholic philosophies.

Symbolic Codes in Hebrew and Greek

"The Templars discovered numeric codes throughout the Bible, emphasizing deeper, hidden meanings in the text."

  • The Templars recognized that both Hebrew and Greek letters had numerical values, allowing for a reinterpretation of the biblical texts.

  • They analyzed stories like the crucifixion and discovered links between numbers, letters, and spiritual concepts, leading to a richer understanding of scripture.

The Alchemical Knowledge and Healing Practices of the Templars

"The Templars adopted alchemical traditions, extracting essences from herbs to create powerful elixirs and medicines."

  • The Templars explored herbal alchemy, gaining valuable knowledge about medicinal properties that enabled them to develop elixirs for healing and extending life.

  • Their practices included techniques such as utilizing honey as an antibacterial agent and the early use of mold extracts to create antibiotics, showcasing advanced understanding of disease management for their time.

Templars' Acquisition of Ancient Knowledge

"The Templars established areas of activity both at Dandera and in ancient Egypt where they began to study hieroglyphs and explore the Temple walls."

  • The Knights Templar engaged deeply with the local groups in Egypt, setting up preceptories and commanderies to facilitate their studies of Egyptian traditions and hieroglyphics.

  • They excavated within temple walls and interacted with diverse groups, seeking a profound understanding of ancient knowledge, particularly alchemical wisdom.

  • One significant discovery was access to hermetic texts through associations with groups in Syria and Lebanon, who revered Hermes as a prophet and kept Greek hermetic knowledge alive.

Incorporating Hermetic Symbolism into Cathedrals

"As the Templars came to understand these ideas, they incorporated the symbolism associated with it onto the cathedrals they were building in Europe."

  • The Templars utilized the hermetic symbols in the architecture of cathedrals across Europe, with imagery connected to alchemy and ancient philosophies starting to appear in European structures.

  • Notably, cathedrals such as Notre Dame exhibit depictions related to alchemical practices, which are not rooted in biblical texts but reflect the hermetic knowledge the Templars encountered in their travels.

  • This incorporation suggests that the Templars played a critical role in blending ancient wisdom with contemporary religious architecture, thus influencing spiritual as well as physical landscapes.

The Secret Mana and Alchemical Practices

"The Templars believed this was the hidden Mana of the Bible within the alchemical tradition."

  • Alchemical processes were central to Templar practices, particularly the extraction of a 'secret salt' referred to as the precious White Stone, believed to embody hidden knowledge and spiritual properties.

  • Templar rituals included communion rites involving this White Stone, which showcased their commitment to integrating alchemy with spiritual beliefs.

  • This substance was thought to have miraculous properties and was associated with biblical references to Mana, linking their practices to historical sacred traditions.

Discovery of Significant Artifacts in Jerusalem

"In breaking through the wall of an old tomb, the Templars found a series of ossuaries with names of significant figures from the New Testament."

  • The Templars excavated tombs in East Jerusalem, uncovering ossuaries that contained the names of notable individuals from Christian texts, including Yeshua (Jesus) and Mary, shedding light on early Christian history.

  • The implications of these findings posed challenges to established dogmas, as these discoveries could reinterpret traditional narratives within the context of Templar beliefs and practices.

  • The artifacts they found not only bolstered the Templars' claims to authentic spiritual knowledge but also added layers to their historical legacy.

The Secret of Jesus and Mary Magdalene

"They quickly came to realize a dangerous secret: not only were Jesus and Mary Magdalene married, but they had children."

  • The video discusses a significant revelation made by the Templars regarding Jesus and Mary Magdalene. Contrary to traditional Christian beliefs, they discovered that Jesus and Mary were not only married but also had children. This finding posed a considerable threat to established Christian doctrine, which emphasized Jesus's bodily resurrection and denied any notion of a family life.

Conflicting Beliefs and Gnostic Interpretations

"The Templars associated the stories of Jesus as largely being metaphors, and they interpreted the resurrection as a metaphor for one's own awakening to higher levels of consciousness."

  • It is highlighted that the Templars, drawing from their Gnostic beliefs, viewed Jesus's story more metaphorically rather than literally. They believed in personal interpretations of resurrection, seeing it as a pathway for spiritual awakening. However, these notions clashed with mainstream church teachings that positioned Jesus’s resurrection as a physical and literal occurrence, causing significant tension with church authorities.

The Church's Response to the Discovery

"The Pope wanted to keep this knowledge secret, as it could undermine the Church's influence over societal beliefs."

  • The Pope's reaction to the Templar's findings was one of concern, as revealing that Jesus had a wife and children could disrupt the very foundation of church doctrines and their financial power. The church's business relied on maintaining belief in bodily resurrection and sacredness of the clergy's role in spiritual matters, which would be threatened if alternate narratives gained traction.

The Preservation of the Dangerous Secret

"The Templars realized this could be a valuable bargaining chip, allowing them some influence over the Church."

  • Aware of the potential leverage this secret provided them, the Templars chose to preserve the artifacts related to this knowledge. They carefully relocated these historical remains to ensure that the truth about Jesus's life remained concealed from the wider public, which could have serious implications for their power and the church's authority.

Gnostic Beliefs and Symbolism

"The enactment of Jesus and Mary Magdalene's relationship represented the union of Christos and Sophia, a significant philosophical concept for the Templars."

  • The Templars reconciled the narrative of Jesus and Mary as actually aligning with their Gnostic beliefs, equating Jesus with Christos and Mary with Sophia, thus viewing their union as a profound spiritual truth. This perspective was not at odds with their principles and allowed them to embrace this secret as part of their spiritual doctrine.

The Quest for Knowledge and Bloodline

"The Templars set about protecting the bloodline that represented a profound understanding of ancient knowledge."

  • As the Templars continued their quest for knowledge, they recognized families in Europe who were preserving similar narratives tied to this bloodline. The concept of the Holy Grail transformed for them; it was no longer a mere mythical object but a symbol of a lineage that held deep spiritual wisdom connecting to ancient civilizations. They saw themselves as protectors of this significant knowledge, fundamentally shifting their operational ethos.

Templar Vaults and Feminine Divinity

"They began setting up vaults within the Americas to hide artifacts to ensure they wouldn't fall into the hands of people who would use them for the wrong reasons."

  • The Templars initiated the process of mapping areas across North America, establishing vaults to store important artifacts. These actions were motivated by a desire to protect these artifacts from being misused or lost.

  • During their travels, the Templars frequently encountered cultures that emphasized the feminine aspect of divinity, which was often overlooked in Europe at the time.

  • Traditions they discovered indicated that divine representations included both masculine and feminine aspects, contrasting sharply with the male-dominant narratives prevalent in European religion.

The Sacred Feminine in Ancient Traditions

"The sacred feminine and the goddess were present as Mother Earth, where life would spring forth in early spring."

  • The concept of the goddess was integral to many ancient cultures, recognized as vital in the cyclical patterns of nature and the changing seasons.

  • Cultures observed the sun's apparent death during winter and its rebirth, attributing this revival to the goddess figure, who was seen as essential in the renewal of life.

  • The constellation of Virgo, associated with the goddess and noted during harvest celebrations, illustrated the connection between celestial events and agrarian practices.

The Significance of Washington D.C. in Preserving Traditions

"The Washington Monument has a shadow that points to things around the National Mall on key dates, making its significance historical and mystical."

  • Washington D.C. embodies a variety of indicators of the feminine divine, from the shape of the city to its naming conventions and statues present throughout.

  • Notably, key dates like Constitution Day were specifically tied to ancient traditions, suggesting a deliberate echoing of the goddess-lore within the structures of American governance.

  • The shadow of the Washington Monument aligns with significant locations in the city on important dates, emphasizing the connection between the city's planning and historical traditions linked to fertility and the goddess.

Presidential Meridian Designation

"President wanted to have a new prime meridian for the United States and designated that as 16th Street."

  • The President envisioned a new prime meridian for the United States, marking it at 16th Street, which runs through significant landmarks like the White House and eventually toward the Jefferson Memorial.

  • Although a marker indicates this proposed meridian, it was never adopted by Congress, resulting in the continuation of the Greenwich Prime Meridian as the standard.

Engineering Feats in Washington D.C.

"The engineering aspect of being able to construct the Washington Monument was done through mathematics and astronomy calculations that were done by hand."

  • The construction of monumental structures like the Washington Monument was achieved during a time devoid of modern technology such as calculators and computers. Ingenious mathematics and astronomy were key to their alignment and establishment, showcasing human intellect and dedication to precision in engineering.

Obelisks in New York City

"There’s an amazing alignment in New York City in Manhattan that is made up of three obelisks."

  • Manhattan's unique layout showcases an alignment of three obelisks, with Cleopatra's Needle being a prominent one, having arrived in the late 1800s after a complex shipping procedure.

  • This obelisk was financed by William Vanderbilt and strategically placed in Central Park behind the Metropolitan Museum. Its placement was significant in the context of earlier Freemason projects which aimed to create a purposeful astronomical alignment with mythical significance.

Connection to Ancient Egyptian Beliefs

"These belt stars are very important because they point to things in the heavens."

  • The alignment of the obelisks correlates with the belt stars of Orion, historically linked to Osiris, the Egyptian god of resurrection.

  • The obelisks also direct attention to significant celestial bodies, like the star Sirius—connected to Isis—and highlight cultural and astronomical traditions from ancient Egypt that reaffirm the importance of these alignments in representing sacred themes.

Hidden Symbolism of Orion

"If the city is a temple to Orion, then it’s meant to be viewed from above."

  • There is a curious detail in Grand Central Station, known for its starry ceiling, where the constellation Orion is painted in reverse. This peculiarity implies a designed vantage point, suggesting that the city to the Vanderbilts serves as a temple to the Egyptian deity Osiris, perceived best from an aerial perspective.

  • Additionally, the alignment of obelisks extends towards the Statue of Liberty, embodying the ever-present Yet veiled representation of divine feminine power in the form of Isis in the context of Freemason traditions.

Summary from