Link to original video by The Organic Chemistry Tutor

Intermolecular Forces - Hydrogen Bonding, Dipole-Dipole, Ion-Dipole, London Dispersion Interactions

Intermolecular Forces

  • The video will focus on intermolecular forces.

  • The types of interactions discussed include ion-ion, ion-dipole, dipole-dipole, hydrogen bonds, London dispersion forces, and van der Waals forces.

  • The video will also compare intermolecular forces to intramolecular forces.

  • Examples of compounds and their interactions will be provided.

"This video focuses on different types of intermolecular forces, including ion-ion, ion-dipole, dipole-dipole, hydrogen bonds, London dispersion forces, and van der Waals forces."

Ion-Ion Interaction

  • Ions with opposite charges attract each other.

  • The attraction between a positive and negative charge is called an electrostatic force.

  • The strength of the electrostatic force is proportional to the magnitude of the charges and inversely related to the distance between them.

  • Higher charges result in stronger interactions, while larger ions decrease the strength of the interaction.

  • Lattice energy is another concept associated with ion-ion interactions.

  • Lattice energy is proportional to the magnitude of the charges and inversely related to the distance, but the distance is not squared.

"The interaction between ions with opposite charges is called an electrostatic force. The strength of this force depends on the magnitude of the charges and the distance between the ions."

Example - Aluminum Nitride vs. Magnesium Oxide

  • Aluminum nitride (AlN) and magnesium oxide (MgO) are both ionic compounds.

  • Aluminum has a +3 charge, while magnesium has a +2 charge.

  • Nitride and oxide both have -2 charges.

  • The product of the charges (q1 * q2) for aluminum nitride is 9, while for magnesium oxide it is 4.

  • Aluminum nitride is expected to have a higher melting point and stronger ion-ion interactions due to its greater charge.

"Aluminum nitride, with a charge of +3, is likely to have a higher melting point and stronger ion-ion interactions compared to magnesium oxide, which has a charge of +2."

Example - Sodium Fluoride vs. Potassium Chloride

  • Sodium fluoride (NaF) and potassium chloride (KCl) are both ionic compounds.

  • Sodium has a +1 charge, while potassium also has a +1 charge.

  • Fluoride has a -1 charge, while chloride also has a -1 charge.

  • Sodium fluoride is smaller in size compared to sodium chloride.

  • Smaller ions result in stronger ion-ion interactions and higher lattice energy.

  • Potassium chloride is larger, so it has lower lattice energy and weaker ion-ion interactions.

"Sodium fluoride, with its smaller size and higher lattice energy, is expected to have higher melting point and stronger ion-ion interactions compared to potassium chloride."

Ion-Dipole Interaction

  • An ion is a particle with an unequal number of protons and electrons.

  • A dipole is a molecule with two poles of charge, where one side is positive and the other side is negative.

  • Water is a polar molecule with a partial positive charge on the hydrogen side and a partial negative charge on the oxygen side.

  • The interaction between a cation (positive ion) and a polar molecule like water is called an ion-dipole interaction.

"The interaction between an ion and a polar molecule, like water, is known as an ion-dipole interaction."

Example - Sodium Cation and Water

  • The positive charge of the sodium cation attracts the partial negative charge of the oxygen atom in water.

  • Water molecules surround and solvate the sodium cation.

  • This interaction between the sodium cation and water is an example of an ion-dipole interaction.

"The interaction between the sodium cation and water, where water molecules surround the cation, is an example of an ion-dipole interaction."

Example - Chloride Anion and Water

  • The negative charge of the chloride anion attracts the partial positive charge of the hydrogen atom in water.

  • This interaction between the chloride anion and water is another example of an ion-dipole interaction.

"The interaction between the chloride anion and water, where the hydrogen part of water is attracted to the negative charge of the chloride, is another example of an ion-dipole interaction."

Ion-Dipole Interactions

  • Sodium cation and chloride ion are surrounded by hydrogen atoms in water.

  • Hydrogen, having a partial positive charge, is attracted to the negative charge of chloride.

  • Water solvates the chloride ion through ion-dipole interactions.

"Water solvates the chloride ion, forming strong ion-dipole interactions."

Dipole-Dipole Interactions

  • Dipole-dipole interactions occur between two polar molecules.

  • For example, carbon monoxide molecules are attracted to each other due to the partial positive charge on carbon and partial negative charge on oxygen.

  • Opposite charges attract each other.

"Opposite charges attract each other, leading to dipole-dipole interactions between polar molecules."

Hydrogen Bonding

  • Hydrogen bonding occurs between hydrogen and nitrogen, oxygen, or fluorine.

  • It is an intermolecular interaction, not a covalent bond.

  • In a hydrogen bond, oxygen (or other electronegative atoms) develops a partial negative charge, and hydrogen develops a partial positive charge.

  • Hydrogen bonds form between separate water molecules, making it an intermolecular force.

"The hydrogen bond is a type of intermolecular interaction between water molecules."

London Dispersion Forces

  • London dispersion forces, also known as van der Waals forces, are found in all molecules and ions.

  • Nonpolar molecules primarily have London dispersion forces.

  • They arise from weak dipole interactions.

  • Electron cloud distortion creates temporary dipoles, inducing dipoles in neighboring molecules.

  • London dispersion forces are the weakest intermolecular forces.

"London dispersion forces are associated with temporary induced dipoles and are the weakest intermolecular forces."

"Ion-dipole interactions form strong ion-dipole interactions, while dipole-dipole interactions occur between polar molecules. Hydrogen bonding is a powerful type of dipole-dipole interaction. London dispersion forces, on the other hand, are the weakest intermolecular forces due to temporary induced dipoles."

Strongest Intermolecular Force in Compounds

  • The video discusses the strongest intermolecular force present in different compounds.

  • In magnesium oxide, which is an ionic compound, the strongest force is the ion-ion interaction.

  • Potassium chloride and water have ion-dipole interactions due to the positive charge of potassium and the negative charge of chloride interacting with the partial positive and negative charges of water.

  • Methane, being nonpolar, only has London dispersion forces (LDF) as the intermolecular force.

  • Carbon dioxide is also nonpolar, so the predominant force is LDF.

  • Sulfur dioxide, despite having a polar bond, is considered a polar molecule with dipole-dipole interactions.

  • Hydrofluoric acid exhibits hydrogen bonding between the hydrogen atom in one molecule and the fluorine atom in another.

"Different compounds exhibit different intermolecular forces. Ionic compounds have ion-ion interactions, while polar molecules have dipole-dipole interactions. Nonpolar molecules mainly have London dispersion forces, while hydrogen bonding occurs in compounds with hydrogen bonded to N, O, or F."

Hydrogen Bonding

  • The electronegativity difference between hydrogen and fluorine is very large.

  • Hydrogen has an electronegativity value of 2.1, while fluorine has an electronegativity of 4.0.

  • The combination of the high electronegativity of fluorine and the small size of hydrogen make hydrogen bonds very powerful forms of dipole-dipole interactions.

"Hydrogen bonds are very powerful forms of dipole-dipole reactions."

Ion-Dipole Interactions

  • When a covalent compound like methanol (CH3OH) interacts with an ionic compound like lithium chloride (LiCl), ion-dipole interactions occur.

  • Ion-dipole interactions involve the attraction between the positive charge of the cation and the negative charge of the anion in the different compounds.

"The interaction between the partially negative oxygen atom of methanol and the positively charged lithium cation is an ion-dipole interaction."

Dipole-Dipole Interactions

  • Dipole-dipole interactions occur between polar molecules, such as formaldehyde (CH2O) and carbon monoxide (CO).

  • These interactions involve the attraction between the partially positive and partially negative regions of different molecules.

"The interaction between the oxygen of one molecule and the carbon of another molecule is a dipole-dipole interaction."

Comparison of Boiling Points

  • The boiling point of a molecule is influenced by the intermolecular forces present.

  • The molecule with stronger intermolecular forces will have a higher boiling point.

  • For example, iodine (I2) has a higher boiling point than bromine (Br2) because it has more London dispersion forces due to its larger size.

"As the number of electrons and polarizability increase, the boiling point of a molecule increases."

Methanol vs Methane Boiling Point

  • Methanol (CH3OH) has a higher boiling point than methane (CH4) because methanol has hydrogen bonds, while methane only has London dispersion forces.

  • Hydrogen bonds are stronger intermolecular forces compared to London dispersion forces.

"Methanol has a higher boiling point than methane due to the presence of hydrogen bonds."

Propanol vs Methanol Boiling Point

  • Propanol (CH3CH2CH2OH) has a higher boiling point than methanol (CH3OH) because propanol is larger, which results in more London dispersion forces.

  • The size of the molecule affects the strength of the intermolecular forces.

"Propanol has a higher boiling point than methanol due to its larger size and the presence of more London dispersion forces."

##iling Points and Vapor Pressure

  • Boiling points increase as the size of the molecules increases, due to an increase in London dispersion forces (LDF).

  • Propanol has a higher boiling point than methanol because it has more intermolecular forces, particularly LDF forces.

  • A higher boiling point corresponds to a lower vapor pressure.

"Propanol has a higher boiling point than methanol because it has more intermolecular forces, particularly LDF forces."

Volatility and Vapor Pressure

  • Methanol is more volatile than propanol because it has a higher vapor pressure and a lower boiling point.

  • Volatility refers to a substance's ability to easily escape to the gas phase.

"Methanol is more volatile because it has a higher vapor pressure but a low boiling point."

Solubility in Water

  • Solubility depends on the polarity of the molecule, not its size.

  • Methanol, being polar, is more soluble in water compared to propanol.

  • The nonpolar region of the molecule, such as the CH3 part, tends to be insoluble in water.

"Methanol is going to have a higher solubility in water because it's very polar."

Effect of Surface Area on Boiling Point

  • The greater the surface area of a molecule, the more intermolecular forces and interactions occur between molecules.

  • Increasing surface area leads to higher boiling points due to more temporary induced dipole interactions.

  • Straight chain alkanes have higher boiling points compared to branched alkanes.

"The straight chain alkane has a higher boiling point than the branched alkane because it has a larger surface area."

Ranking Boiling Points of Compounds

  • Hydrogen bonds contribute to higher boiling points.

  • Among H2O, H2S, and H2Se, water (H2O) has the highest boiling point due to hydrogen bonding.

  • Size plays a role as well, with H2Se having a higher boiling point than H2S because selenium is bigger and has more electrons.

"The one that has hydrogen bonds is going to have the higher boiling point, and after that, look at the size."

Relationship Between Boiling Point and Vapor Pressure

  • Hydrosulfuric acid (H2S) has a lower boiling point than water, making it a gas at room temperature.

  • H2S has a higher vapor pressure compared to water, making it more volatile.

"Hydrosulfuric acid (H2S) is a gas at room temperature because it has a lower boiling point."

Ranking Boiling Points of Halogens

  • The boiling points of halogens (HF, HBr, HI, HCl) decrease as the atomic mass increases.

  • Fluorine (F) has the highest boiling point, followed by chlorine (Cl), bromine (Br), and iodine (I).

"Fluorine has the highest boiling point, followed by chlorine, bromine, and iodine."

Hydrogen Bonding and Boiling Points

  • The boiling points of molecules can be affected by intermolecular forces such as hydrogen bonding, dipole-dipole interactions, and London dispersion forces.

  • Hydrogen bonding occurs when a hydrogen atom is bonded to a highly electronegative atom (such as nitrogen, oxygen, or fluorine) and forms a strong bond with a lone pair of electrons on another molecule.

  • Molecules with hydrogen bonding tend to have higher boiling points due to the strong intermolecular forces involved.

"HF has hydrogen bonds, so therefore HF is going to have the highest boiling point"

Order of Boiling Points

  • When comparing molecules with similar intermolecular forces, the size of the molecules influences the boiling point.

  • Larger molecules tend to have stronger London dispersion forces, which result in higher boiling points compared to smaller molecules with the same intermolecular forces.

  • Chlorine, bromine, and iodine are all halogens, but the boiling points decrease as the size of the molecule decreases.

"Iodine is the heaviest, however, HF has hydrogen bonds, so therefore HF is going to have the highest boiling point and we're going to write this in decrease in order of boiling point"

"Between chlorine, bromine, and iodine, iodine is bigger, so it's going to be the next in line"

"So between HI, HDL, and HBr, none of them has hydrogen bonds, so now you have to look at size"

"Br is bigger than Cl, so the next one is going to be HBr"

"And then after that, HCl is going to have the lowest boiling point"

Vapor Pressure and Boiling Points

  • Vapor pressure is the pressure exerted by a vapor in equilibrium with its liquid phase at a given temperature.

  • Molecules with higher boiling points have lower vapor pressures at the same temperature.

  • As the boiling point decreases, the vapor pressure increases.

  • In this case, HCl has the lowest boiling point and therefore the highest vapor pressure among the molecules considered.

"So HF has the highest boiling point, boiling point increases towards HF, and HCl is going to have the lowest boiling point, so it's going to have the highest vapor pressure."

Summary from