Link to original video by Alex Becker's Channel

Want To Be Rich? Give Up These 4 Things…

What holds you back

  • People tend to do certain things that hinder their progress.

  • These things form a "box" around them that holds them back.

  • This box forces them to make stupid decisions, which stops them from moving forward.

  • Most people won't get rid of this box in their lives.

How to get out of the "confetti room"

  • One must stop doing the silly things that hold them back.

  • Only move forward with what is beneficial and stop engaging in activities that don't benefit you.

Stop hanging out with degenerate friends and family

  • Friends and family can consume a large portion of your free time.

  • If these friends and family members are not making progress and aren't successful, there's no benefit to having them around.

Trading life happiness

  • People sometimes trade their entire life happiness for the sake of making others happy.

  • This is something that can rob people of their joy and lead to negative consequences.

  • It's important to be aware of how much happiness you're sacrificing for others.

Giving up on material things

  • It's good to give up on obtaining material things, at least for a while.

  • Many people get stuck in cycles of working jobs they hate so that they can buy things they don't need.

  • It's possible to live a minimalist lifestyle, which can actually make you feel more free and happy.

  • The cost of having to do things you don't want to do every day can far outweigh any enjoyment you get from material possessions.

Checking out of the world for a bit

  • Sometimes it's beneficial to just check out of the world for a bit.

  • Social media and news can be overwhelming and draining, and constantly being bombarded by negative information can really get to you.

  • Instead of getting angry or upset about things beyond your control, it's better to focus on things you can control.

Moving to another country to avoid unfavorable conditions

  • The speaker explains that if the climate, political situation, or other conditions of the country become unfavorable, they simply move to another country.

  • It is not necessary to be knowledgeable about the government or current events in the country to become successful, but gaining power and wealth is crucial.

  • The speaker believes it is more productive to focus on obtaining power and wealth than to worry about political figures' social media posts.

How to be productive

  • People have hobbies and habits that may be terrible for their productivity.

  • The speaker suggests not having tempting items in the house to make it hard to obtain what triggers unproductive behavior.

  • If people want to play a game, they should not have the gaming devices in the house.

  • The speaker notes that if they do not have the power cord to the television, they cannot watch it.

  • Removing the lure of tempting things adds to one's boredom which could lead to finding other fun and productive things.

Avoid these 4 distractions to be successful

  • If you want to be successful, avoid these four things.

  • You should not waste all weekend partying if you want to be successful.

    • The example given is not living in a "dry county" where the bars all close at midnight.
  • The second thing is having an ego-based materialistic goal.

  • Third, don't let the worries of the world and the stability of the government take up too much space in your mind.

  • Fourth, don't get distracted by social media, drama, and gossip.

  • You'll be more successful by default if you avoid these four distractions.

  • Avoiding these things is more important than reading a Tony Robbins book or doing a success haiku.

Summary from