Link to original video by Alvin Nuqui

1st Virtual Research Colloquium

Introduction to the Research Colloquium

  • The video is a recording of the 1st Virtual Research Colloquium.

  • The colloquium is focused on the theme of "Publish or Perish" and its significance in higher education.

  • The speaker expresses gratitude to the university and greets the academic community.

"It is such a great honor and privilege to speak before you in this gathering of doctoral students, educators, and researchers."

Challenges in Research and Education

  • The speaker acknowledges the challenges in conducting research, such as data gathering and trial and error.

  • The importance of attending the research colloquium is highlighted.

"That's why I'd like to congratulate all of you for attending this research colloquium."

Proposals to Address Challenges

  • Two proposed actions are mentioned: creating mechanisms for access to research funding and incentivizing research for staff, faculty, and students.

  • The third proposal is to disseminate and make publicly accessible university research outputs using popular media.

"Create more and better mechanisms for access to research funding and enhanced support mechanisms for researchers."

"Give incentives to motivate university staff, faculty members, and students to research."

"Make publicly accessible and market university research outputs, results, and findings using popular media."

Impact of Industrial Revolution 4.0

  • The speaker discusses the challenges posed by the Industrial Revolution 4.0.

  • Emphasis is placed on the need to respond and adapt to rapid technological advancements.

"Responding to the challenges of Industrial Revolution 4.0."

"Create an avenue that will be very meaningful to provide the exchanges and promote best practices."

Transformation in Education

  • The speaker explores the need to reposition higher education and embrace the challenges of the Industrial Revolution 4.0 and Education 4.0.

  • The impact of technological innovations on education, particularly in higher education, is acknowledged.

"How are we going to reposition ourselves in higher education in this era of Industrial Revolution 4.0?"

"Education experts and culturologists recognize the profound impact that a myriad of technological innovations is having on education, more particularly in higher education."

Key ideas reiterated

  • The speaker wants to reiterate key ideas from the presentation and discussion of the virtual research colloquium.

  • The purpose is to reinforce the theme of the colloquium.

  • The speaker will use the acronym EDD (Embrace Education 4.0; Develop Digital Skills; Deliver Education in the New Millennium) to summarize the key ideas.

"Let me use the acronym EDD for this purpose."

Embrace Education 4.0

  • The first key idea is to embrace Education 4.0.

  • Education 4.0 refers to adapting education to the demands of the fourth industrial revolution.

  • It involves incorporating emerging technologies and digital tools into the educational system.

  • The goal is to prepare students for the changing workforce and equip them with the necessary skills for the future.

"Embrace Education 4.0 and develop digital skills."

Develop Digital Skills

  • The second key idea is to develop digital skills.

  • This involves equipping students and educators with the necessary digital literacy to thrive in a rapidly evolving digital landscape.

  • Digital skills include proficiency in using digital tools, critical thinking, problem-solving, and information literacy.

  • By developing these skills, individuals can effectively navigate the digital world and leverage technology for learning and growth.

"Embrace Education 4.0 and develop digital skills."

Deliver Education in the New Millennium

  • The third key idea is to deliver education in the new millennium.

  • This refers to reimagining and redesigning the education system to align with the needs and aspirations of the current generation.

  • It involves adopting innovative teaching methods, leveraging technology for personalized learning, and creating inclusive and accessible education opportunities.

  • The goal is to provide high-quality education that prepares students for the future and enables them to thrive in a rapidly changing world.

"Deliver education in the new millennium education model."

Summary from