Link to original video by Ai Voice Tutor

Next Gen QR Code Maker - Photorealistic AI QR Codes - Stable Diffusion Controlnet - QR Code Monster

Introduction to the new control net model

  • The new control net model is specifically trained on QR codes

  • Achieving easily scannable results may require patience

  • Most codes shown in the video are scannable with a third-party app, and some also scan with the normal photos app on iPhone when the right distance to the screen is maintained

"All the codes you've seen here are scannable with a third-party app, and most also scan with the normal photos app on iPhone with the right distance to the screen."

Making an unscannable code scannable

  • A method is demonstrated to turn an unscannable code into a scannable one

  • This method is highly experimental and requires some luck

"There's also a way to turn a code that isn't scannable into a scannable code like this one. However, this is even more experimental than the rest and seems to take some luck as well."

Tips for scanning QR codes

  • The standard photos app on iPhone is used for scanning QR codes during testing

  • Third-party apps often offer better detection speed

  • Detection seems to be consistent across different devices, with variations on Android

"I'm mostly using the standard photos app on my iPhone to test the codes, but the detection is so much better with third-party apps. I've tested on older and recent iPhones and an iPad, and the detection seems pretty much identical across the devices. On Android, there are differences between the various manufacturers, but you can use third-party apps as well."

Factors affecting code scannability

  • The brightness of the screen and the surroundings, as well as the distance or size of the code, affect scannability

  • Different devices may have different scanning results

"When looking at the codes on the screen, the brightness of the screen and the surroundings matter, as does the distance or the size of the code. Different devices may also have different scanning results."

Creating good QR codes

  • Keeping the URL of the QR code as short as possible is recommended

  • Link shorteners like for YouTube videos can be used

  • QR code generators should generate codes with error correction capability at level H

"Whenever you create a QR code, you want to make sure that the URL is as short as possible. Use a link shortener like for YouTube videos. QR code generators should generate codes with error correction capability at level H."

Installing the new control net model

  • The QR code monsters save tensors version of the model is downloaded

  • The downloaded file is saved in the control net folder under models in the stable diffusion folder

  • A file with the yaml extension is also downloaded and placed in the same folder

"To install the new control net model, open the link from the video description and download the QR code monsters save tensors version of the model. Save the file in the control net folder under models in your stable diffusion folder. Download a file with the yaml extension and put it in the same folder."

Settings for scannable images

  • Use DPM plus plus 2m Keras as the sampling method

  • Ensure hi-res fix is enabled

  • Select invert as the preprocessor and QR monster as the model

  • Control weight, starting control step, and ending control step values can be adjusted for desired results

"For scannable images, use DPM plus plus 2m Keras as the sampling method, enable hi-res fix, select invert as the preprocessor, and QR monster as the model. Adjust control weight, starting control step, and ending control step values as needed."

Workflow for improving code readability

  • Adding borders to the image manually before using in painting in stability fusion can help in improving code readability

  • Earthen View, a free tool, can be used to add borders

"To improve code readability, a workflow is demonstrated where borders are added to the image manually before using in painting in stability fusion. The free tool 'Earthen View' can be used for adding borders."

"There's also a way to turn a code that isn't scannable into a scannable code like this one. However, this is even more experimental than the rest and seems to take some luck as well."

"All the codes you've seen here are scannable with a third-party app, and most also scan with the normal photos app on iPhone with the right distance to the screen."

"I'm mostly using the standard photos app on my iPhone to test the codes, but the detection is so much better with third-party apps. I've tested on older and recent iPhones and an iPad, and the detection seems pretty much identical across the devices. On Android, there are differences between the various manufacturers, but you can use third-party apps as well."

"Whenever you create a QR code, you want to make sure that the URL is as short as possible. Use a link shortener like for YouTube videos. QR code generators should generate codes with error correction capability at level H."

"To install the new control net model, open the link from the video description and download the QR code monsters save tensors version of the model. Save the file in the control net folder under models in your stable diffusion folder. Download a file with the yaml extension and put it in the same folder."

"For scannable images, use DPM plus plus 2m Keras as the sampling method, enable hi-res fix, select invert as the preprocessor, and QR monster as the model. Adjust control weight, starting control step, and ending control step values as needed."

"There's also a way to turn a code that isn't scannable into a scannable code like this one. However, this is even more experimental than the rest and seems to take some luck as well."

"All the codes you've seen here are scannable with a third-party app, and most also scan with the normal photos app on iPhone with the right distance to the screen."

"I'm mostly using the standard photos app on my iPhone to test the codes, but the detection is so

AI QR Code Repair Process

  • The AI QR code repair process is experimental and not easily reproducible.

  • The process involves using the "text to image" method and then applying adjustments in the "image to image" tool to make the QR code scannable.

  • Only about half of the images tested with this process were successfully repaired.

"This is not easily reproducible and therefore highly experimental."

Adjusting CFG Scale and Denoising Strength

  • In the "image to image" tool, lower the CFG scale to around 13 and the denoising strength to about 0.13.

  • These settings can help in optimizing the generated image for QR code scanning.

"We will lower the CFG scale to about 13 and the denoising strength to about 0.13."

Enabling Control Net and Pixel Perfect

  • In the "image to image" tool, enable the Control Net option and select the Pixel Perfect checkbox.

  • The Control Net setting is important to ensure accurate adjustments for the QR code image.

"We need to drag the QR code into control net, enable it, and check Pixel Perfect."

Potential Need for Iteration

  • Some of the newly generated images may become scannable after adjustments, while others may still not scan.

  • If the QR code does not scan, the process can be repeated by sending the newly generated image back to the "image to image" tool and making further tweaks.

"If yours doesn't scan, you can repeat the process by sending the newly generated image back to image to image and just keep repeating the process over and over."

Limitations and Alternative Approach

  • Not all QR codes can be fixed using this method, and some may remain unscannable.

  • It is recommended to strive for scannable codes directly through adjustments in the "text to image" tool or by tweaking settings there, rather than relying on the QR code repair process.

  • The repaired QR code generation should be considered as a last resort.

"Some just cannot be fixed with this method, so in my opinion, to save you time, it's always better to have the images created through text to image be scannable directly or tweak the settings there if they aren't."

Further Resources for QR Code Repair

  • For those interested in diving deeper into the field of repairing AI QR codes, the QR code generator mentioned earlier provides the ability to compare output images with the original code.

  • This comparison can highlight changes in brightness and indicate areas of the image that need fixing.

  • A mask for inpainting can also be downloaded for automatic repairs.

  • More detailed instructions on repairing QR codes can be found in the blog entry linked in the video description.

"If you're interested, check out the blog entry with detailed instructions on how to repair the QR codes."

Summary from