Link to original video by e-profs - Physique Chimie

Correction ✅ TP de BAC - ECE 🎯 Physique chimie - Absorbance - pH métrie | Lycée Terminale spé

  • The lab focuses on colored indicators to determine the suitable one for titrating an ammonia solution with a strong acid. Three colored indicators are discussed: bromothymol blue (BBT), bromocresol green, and eosin Y.

Correction Elements for the First Chemistry Lab "Vert Jaune et Bleu"

  • A special solution called Britton Robinson solution is introduced, where adding a set amount of hydroxide solution causes a linear pH variation. An equation relating pH and the volume of sodium hydroxide is derived to aid understanding.

  • Correction elements for the first chemistry lab named "Vert Jaune et Bleu" involve studying colored indicators and determining the suitable colored indicator for titrating an ammonia solution with a strong acid.

  • Guidelines on calculating the percentage of colored indicators in acidic and basic forms based on absorbance are provided, along with instructions for a titration curve at the end of the lab.

"We're exploring colored indicators for titrations and a unique Britton Robinson solution, alongside absorbance calculations and titration curves."

Studying Colored Indicators and Britton Robinson Solution

  • Three colored indicators are discussed: bromothymol blue (BBT), bromocresol green, and erythrosine. Solutions S1 to S11 are used, including a special Britton Robinson solution known for its linear pH variation with added sodium hydroxide.

  • The lab introduces various solutions (S1 to S11), including a Britton Robinson solution known for its linear pH change with added hydroxide.

Studying colored indicators and their suitability for specific chemical reactions is crucial in chemistry labs.

  • The pH equations and calculations are not explicitly stated but can be derived to analyze the data efficiently.

Absorbance and pH Metrics for the Lab Analysis

  • Instructions are provided for determining the absorbance and pH of the Britton Robinson solution using a spectrophotometer.

  • In this step, students are guided on how to measure absorbance and pH using a spectrophotometer for the Britton Robinson solution.

  • A step-by-step guide on calculating the percentage of basic and acidic species of the colored indicator based on absorbance measurements is detailed.

"Exploring the Britton Robinson solution, absorbance calculations, and percentage determination for colored indicators."

Diagram of Distribution and Indicator Selection

  • Calculations for the percentage of basic and acidic species are explained, and students are tasked with plotting a distribution diagram.

Measurement of absorbance and pH metrics is essential to understanding the chemical properties of solutions.

Calculating Percentages for Basic and Acidic Species

  • Calculations to determine the percentage of basic and acidic species of the colored indicators are essential for constructing a distribution diagram.

  • The process of calculating the percentage of basic and acidic species is detailed, emphasizing the method of deriving the values for each species.

  • The graph showcases the equilibrium between acid and base forms of the colored indicators, aiding in selecting the ideal indicator for a specific titration.

Understanding the percentage of basic and acidic species aids in analyzing the chemical composition of a solution.

Tracing the Distribution Diagram

  • Use of a Python program is mentioned for graphing the distribution diagram, with specific guidance on inputting the pKa value for the acid-base couple.

  • Instructions are given on how to plot the distribution diagram using pH and percentage of base and acid, aiming to identify the equivalence point by finding their intersection.

  • Understanding this distribution helps in selecting the most appropriate indicator, crucial for successful titration outcomes.

"Graphing distribution diagrams assists in choosing the right indicator for accurate titration results."

Python Programming for Calculations

  • The program requires inputting the pKa value, which influences the calculations carried out in Python.

  • Completing lines 10 and 11 involves calculating the percentage of the acid form based on defined concentrations for acid and base.

  • These calculations are essential for determining the distribution diagrams for colored indicators in the experiment.

Python Program Execution Steps

Putting in the pKa value and concentration details in the Python program affects the outcome of the absorbance and pH calculations.

Interpreting Diagrams and Selecting Indicators

  • Providing information to the Python program regarding the indicator's pKa value, such as 3.4, is crucial for correct execution.

  • Completion of specific lines in the Python program, like lines 10 and 11, involves calculating the percentage of acid form based on defined parameters.

  • Analyzing the distribution diagram aids in identifying the crossover point and key pH zones.

  • Calculating percentages involves attention to detail regarding acid and base concentrations, ensuring accurate division for correct results.

  • Understanding the color change range is crucial, with specific percentages guiding the choice of the most suitable indicator.

Understanding the intricacies of calculating percentages based on acid and base concentrations is vital for Python program accuracy.

  • The pH equivalence point of approximately 5.5 suggests using Bromocresol Green as the optimal color indicator.

Calculating Percentage of Acid Form

"The crossover point of the curves and the characteristic pH ranges help in indicator selection, ensuring the pH equivalence point aligns with indicator capabilities."

Conclusion and Practical Steps

  • The calculation of the acid form's concentration involves understanding the quantity of matter present in the acid form, denoted as CCA.

  • Concluding the experiment by dismantling equipment and storing materials promptly is necessary within the allocated time.

  • For low concentrations denoted as CB, attention to uppercase notation is necessary for accurate calculations.

  • Encouraging feedback through likes and shares to gauge audience interest and determine future content.

  • The formula for the percentage of acid form involves dividing the concentration of acid by the total concentration, ensuring precise results.

Mastering the calculation of acid form percentages requires a thorough grasp of concentrations and precise division methods.

"Wrapping up the lab exercise efficiently by cleaning up the setup and materials is crucial within the given timeframe, and user interaction can shape future sessions."

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