How To Engage Your Soul Effectively During Meditation| Prophet Lovy Elias
Understanding the Nature of the Soul
The soul does not operate based on time and has no sense of time.
While the soul can be aware of time, it does not function on the basis of time and is not influenced by it.
The soul is divided into the mind, will, and emotions.
The mind is the most active part of the soul, the will is the decision-making process, and emotions are the ability to feel.
"Your soul does not operate based on time. It is not influenced by time."
The Role of Emotions in Soul Engagement
Emotions play a significant role in engaging the soul effectively.
Emotions are not just about the taste or sensory experience, but also about the feeling associated with it.
The soul remembers not just how something tastes, but how it felt.
Stress eating or the desire for comfort through food is an example of how the soul seeks certain sensations.
"It is not really about the taste, but about how it feels. What you're looking for is a satisfaction that happens within your soul."
The Influence of Feelings on Soul Engagement
The soul feels things not just through interactions with others, but also through personal experiences and external stimuli.
Confidence can increase when dressing well because of the feeling of looking good.
The soul cannot differentiate between real experiences and false ones, it is simply satisfied by certain feelings.
"Everything you do is to satisfy an emotion in your soul. It's not really about driving something nice, it's about how you feel."
Meditation and the Power of the Soul
Meditation involves engaging the soul at a high level of concentration.
Both positive and negative meditations can influence the soul and the body's response to the sensations felt by the soul.
The soul can invite or be engaged by spirits during meditation, influencing the body's reactions.
Negative meditations, such as engaging with sexual thoughts or pornography, can have dangerous consequences as the soul engages with unreal experiences and may invite negative spirits.
"Your soul is feeling something that is making your physical body react as if you're in the act. So because your body is engaging with sex with somebody that is not even there with you, but to your soul it's become real."
The Dangers of Inappropriate Meditation
Inappropriate meditation, such as engaging in sexual fantasies or watching pornography, can lead to spiritual entanglement with negative entities.
Demons can engage with the soul during these meditative acts, leading to negative consequences.
Masturbation is described as a negative and dangerous act due to the soul's engagement and the potential involvement of demonic entities.
"Every time somebody is masturbating, you're meditating. Your soul can tell the difference but your soul is feeling something that is making your physical body react as if you're in the act."
The Importance of Feeling in Meditation
Meditation should not be about emptying oneself, but rather about feeling and engaging oneself.
Emptiness doesn't exist in the spiritual or physical realms; something always fills the void.
The act of meditation is about filling oneself with meaningful experiences and sensations.
"Emptiness doesn't exist. Something has to occupy you. Something has to fill you."
The Power of Meditation
Meditation attracts more of the same thing into your life and fills you more.
Moses and Jesus were not just praying, they were also meditating.
Praying in tongues is a form of praying in the spirit, but not the only way.
When you groan while praying, that is also praying in the spirit.
"Meditation is a form of prayer. Praying in tongues is not the only way to pray in the spirit."
The Power of Meditation in Scripture
Being planted by the river symbolizes being connected to a source of life and nourishment.
The Bible uses the analogy of being planted in Lebanon, a desert, by a river to convey the idea of being sustained by God's provision in unlikely circumstances.
"You will be like a tree planted by the river. The Bible uses this analogy to show that you will be sustained by God's provision in even the most unlikely circumstances."
Engaging With the Word of God
Engaging with the word of God requires meditation.
Simply reading the Bible as a text from the past will not have a powerful effect.
The scriptures are fresh and new when engaged with the soul, not just as recorded words in a book.
"If you read the word of God simply physically, you are reading a text that is in the past. It will not be powerful. But if you engage with it with your soul, you are right there when it was being said."
The Present Power of the Word of God
The word of God is not just a thing of the past, it is powerful and present.
Your soul connects the written word to the present spiritual reality.
The word of God is alive and active, able to manifest its virtues through those who engage with it.
"The word of God is quick and powerful, sharper than any two-edged sword. It is present, not just something from the past."
Meditation Opens the Gate to the Spiritual World
The gate to the spiritual world can only be opened through meditation.
Many prayers and declarations are powerless because they are from the world of men, not from the world of spirits or heaven.
Engaging with the word of God in meditation allows access to the spiritual world and empowers declarations.
"The gate to the spiritual world cannot be opened without meditation. Many prayers and declarations are powerless because they are from the world of men, not from heaven."
Engaging with the Word
People doubt prophets because someone who never performed miracles told them not to believe in them.
Some Christians also don't believe in the power of God because they think it no longer exists since the time of the apostles.
"Because they are not seeing the power of God anymore."
Engaging in Meditation
Engaging with the Bible means engaging with scripture. Engaging with the Word is engaging in meditation.
Engaging in meditation is a way of dealing with Jesus directly, rather than just dealing with scripture.
When you engage in deep concentration and desire for God, you become aware of His presence.
"You are just becoming aware of him, not that he's just come."
Understanding the Word of God
The Word of God is powerful and can divide the soul and spirit.
The Bible mentions the soul and spirit because to become what God needs you to be, you need to understand the distinction between the two.
Praying for the Holy Spirit to fill the room is the wrong prayer because the Holy Spirit is already present everywhere.
"Because the Holy Spirit has already been here."
Meditation and Subconscious Mind
Meditation is like driving on autopilot. When you first learned to drive, you needed to focus consciously, but over time, it became more subconscious.
Meditation programs your subconscious mind, making it easier to connect with God and receive His guidance.
"Meditation programmed your subconscious mind."
Isaac's Meditation
Isaac went to the field to meditate, not just to pray.
The Bible doesn't highlight meditation because many leaders don't understand or practice it.
Meditation helps us connect with the deeper truths and mysteries of God.
"Isaac was deep in meditation, you think he was just normal."
The Depth of Spiritual Teaching
True spirituality doesn't rely on fancy words or knowledge of languages like Hebrew and Greek.
A spiritual teacher can convey deep and powerful truths in simplicity.
Engaging with God through meditation keeps the spiritual well from running dry.
"To be a spiritual man means that I can give you the heavy, heavy mind of God in such simplicity that you can understand it."
Experiencing the Presence of God
The Holy Spirit is always present, but true meditation helps us become aware of His presence.
You can be in the presence of God, even in places where people don't acknowledge Him.
Meditation brings your soul to where the spirit of God is and creates a deeper connection.
"Your soul goes to where the spirit of God is, and all of a sudden, your body gets chills."
Engaging with God's Word through Meditation
Meditating on God's word is essential for a fruitful spiritual life.
It involves immersing oneself in deep thought and reflection on the scriptures.
Daniel, a biblical figure, was known for his deep meditation practices.
"If God tells me to do it, I'll do it."
The Power of Meditating on God's Word
Daniel Chapter 4, verse 10 emphasizes the importance of meditating on God's word.
The scripture instructs believers to meditate on God's word when laying down and when rising up.
This constant meditation on God's word helps to internalize its teachings and principles.
"Remember, Thou shalt meditate on these words when thou lay down and when thou art rise up."
Daniel's Meditative Experience
Daniel recounts his meditative experience in Daniel Chapter 4, verse 10.
While deep in meditation, he saw visions and received insights from God.
His visions included seeing a great tree that reached unto Heaven, symbolizing divine revelation.
"I saw and behold a tree in the midst of the earth and the height thereof was great... the leaves thereof were fair and the fruit thereof much."
Engaging with Heavenly Beings through Meditation
Daniel Chapter 4, verse 13 reveals that Daniel's meditation attracted the attention of heavenly beings.
A watcher, an angelic being, and a holy one descended from Heaven to engage with Daniel.
Through meditation, Daniel opened himself up to encounters with spiritual beings and received divine insights.
"I saw in the visions of my head upon my bed and behold a watcher and Unholy one came down from heaven."
Understanding the Distinction Between Watchers and Holy Ones
Watchers and holy ones are different categories of angelic beings.
Holy ones are pure beings made of light who inhabit the highest realms of Heaven.
Watchers, on the other hand, are angelic beings who have flesh and interacted with humans in the past.
"Holy ones are angels made of light that inhabit the heaven of heavens... Watchers, however, are Angelic beings that have flesh."
Meditating to Access Secrets and Mysteries
Deep meditation allows individuals to access hidden knowledge and spiritual truths.
It enables believers to tap into higher dimensions of understanding and revelation.
Secrets and mysteries are unveiled to those who engage their souls effectively through meditation.
"They are secrets and Mysteries... Meditation is essential."
The Timelessness of Spiritual Realities
Spiritual realities transcend time and space.
For those walking closely with God, they can access past, present, and future events through meditation.
Believers who are in tune with the spirit realm can perceive things that have already transpired or are yet to come.
"Your thing is you think us sitting here is happening now, it already happened... for those who are in the spirit, it's a replay."
Discovering your True Identity through Meditation
Meditation helps individuals discover their true identity in the eyes of God.
Through prayer, reading the Word of God, and deep reflection, one can uncover their purpose and calling.
Meditating on God's truth reveals the depths of who we truly are as spiritual beings.
"Prayer, reading the word of God, meditation will reveal who you really are in the eyes of God."