Link to original video by Hamza

How to make your pp bigger

Growing a Bigger PP

  • It is not possible to actually grow a bigger PP than what you were genetically supposed to have.

  • External products are not going to help you with it either.

  • However, it is possible to maximize the size of your erection by making sure that the erection you do get is as big as it possibly can be.

Your Genetic Potential

  • You cannot get a bigger PP than what you were genetically supposed to have.

  • However, there are factors that can limit your erection size, such as lifestyle and mental factors.

  • If everything went right in your life, your maximum PP erection size would be six inches.

"I know this sounds silly but it genuinely fu*ks up my mental health. It genuinely hurts me for many years very significantly messed up my mental health"

Hamza's Experience

  • When Hamza was a teenager, he had a massive insecurity about the size of his PP due to his late growth spurt.

  • Watching porn with the big "log d*cks" also messed with his mental health as he felt inadequate and insecure.

  • He felt reserved in school and awkward around girls.

  • At age 17, he had puberty late and shot up seven or eight inches in the space of six months, finally making him feel better.

Maximizing Erection Size

  • Improving sleep is a simple way of maximizing your erection size.

  • If you're supposed to sleep eight or nine hours, and you're only sleeping six hours, chances are your erection is probably going to get weaker.

  • Losing some of the blood that would otherwise go in there could cause a bit more of the girth or maybe the length.

How Sleep and Diet Affect Your Erection

  • Sleeping more can lead to a fuller and stronger erection.

  • Consistently sleeping and waking up at the same time, and avoiding sleep deprivation can improve the quality of your erection.

  • Having a consistent bedtime routine can be helpful.

  • Eating a healthy diet can also lead to better erections.

  • Eggs are a great food to include in your diet to improve erection strength.

"If there's one thing that you eat that will give you the best eggs."

Eggs and Butter

  • Consuming the right foods is vital for maintaining good health

  • Eating the kind of food that your grandfathers have been eating is important

  • Ideally, one should consume meat, some vegetables and eggs

  • To increase testosterone, one should consume eggs daily

  • Four eggs a day with some butter can improve testosterone levels

  • Real butter is recommended (not margarine) and should be used instead of vegetable oils

  • Real butter is available in tins wrapped in tin foil

  • Cooking eggs is simple: use a non-stick pan with real butter and crack four eggs in it

  • Use a wooden spatula instead of plastic as plastic can impact testosterone levels

  • Cooking eggs takes less than five minutes

  • Eggs with butter are considered one of the healthiest meals to consume

Exercises to Increase Erectile Strength

  • There are exercises that can be done to increase erectile strength.

  • One exercise is called a Kegel and involves squeezing a part of your genital area, which can help send more blood flow to your penis.

  • Holding this muscle contraction longer can make your erection harder, thicker, more erect, and even increase the length.

  • Another exercise involves flexing the penis up and down, which can also help to send more blood flow to the penis.

  • Practicing these exercises can help send more blood flow to the penis and make it thicker, harder, and longer.

How to make your pp bigger

  • This video discusses practical ways to increase erectile size

  • The advice given is sensitive, but the creator felt it helped him

  • There is discussion on Adonis School, a pricey but effective community for self-improvement

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