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MS Excel - Basics

Excel Basics

  • The Excel screen itself is a blank workbook when opened for the first time.

  • The top of the screen has a Quick Access Toolbar, the only toolbar available in Excel.

  • Previous versions of Excel had multiple toolbars, but now all options are available in tabs.

  • Tabs were previously known as menu bars.

  • Clicking on a tab reveals the ribbon, which contains different options for each tab.

  • The Name Box displays the location of the cursor and can be used for named ranges.

  • The Formula Bar shows the formula written in a cell.

  • Column and row headings allow for easy selection of entire columns or rows.

  • Sheets can be incremented and named, and a dialog box shows the names of all sheets.

  • Zoom and scroll bars allow for adjusting the display size of the worksheet.

  • Buttons for closing, minimizing, and maximizing the window are available.

  • The file button provides access to various options for managing the workbook.

  • Data can be entered by typing directly into cells or editing existing cells.

  • A workbook is a collection of worksheets, and each worksheet can be selected individually.

  • Ranges and cells can be selected for various operations.

  • Workbooks can be saved with different extensions and in different locations.

"There are various things available on the screen like the Quick Access Toolbar, tabs, ribbon, Name Box, Formula Bar, column and row headings, sheets, zoom and scroll bars, buttons for window management, and options for saving workbooks with different extensions."

Different Formats Available

  • There are multiple formats available in MS Excel that can be used for saving files.

  • The video does not go into detail on the specific formats.

  • The narrator mentions that they will not go through each format in this video.

"There are various file formats available in MS Excel for saving files."

Selecting an Excel Workbook

  • The narrator demonstrates how to select an Excel workbook.

  • He mentions that he is choosing an existing workbook that is already saved.

  • By selecting a workbook, there is no need to save it again.

"I will just select this Excel workbook which is already saved, so I do not have to save it again."

Saving the Workbook

  • The narrator shows how to save the workbook after making changes.

  • He mentions that you can click on the "Save" button.

  • Saving ensures that any changes made to the workbook are preserved.

"Finally, you can just click on save itself and do it, ensuring that your changes are saved."

Options Available

  • The narrator states that these are all the options available in this video.

  • He hopes that he has not missed anything.

  • This suggests that the video covers the main options related to selecting and saving workbooks in MS Excel.

"These are all the options available, so I hope I have not missed anything here."


  • The video wraps up by stating that the topics covered in the video have been explained.

  • The narrator mentions that this is the end of the video.

"I hope you have understood all the topics covered in this video. That's all for this video."

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