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#5 Python Tutorial for Beginners | List in Python

Introduction to Lists in Python

  • A list is a collection of values that can be of different data types.

  • Lists allow us to group related values together.

  • In Python, a list is created using square brackets [].

"Let's imagine you have different values, such as numbers and strings. If you want to group them together, you can use a list."

Creating and accessing lists

  • To create a list, assign values to a variable using square brackets.

  • You can assign multiple values to a list using commas.

  • Access individual values in a list using their index number, starting from 0.

  • Negative index numbers can be used to access values from the end of the list.

  • You can also access a range of values from a list using the slicing syntax start:end.

"You can assign multiple values to a list by using square brackets and separating the values with commas. For example, nums = [25, 12, 636, 95, 14]."

Using different data types in a list

  • Lists in Python can contain values of different data types.

  • You can have a list with numbers, strings, and other data types.

  • Values in a list can be accessed and manipulated in the same way, regardless of their data type.

"The beauty of lists in Python is that you can have different data types in the same list. For example, you can have a list with numbers, strings, and even different data types like floats."

Working with nested lists

  • Lists can also contain other lists, forming a nested or multidimensional list.

  • You can access and manipulate nested lists in the same way as regular lists.

  • Nested lists allow for additional levels of organization and structure in your data.

"You can have multiple lists inside a main list. This allows you to create more complex data structures and organize your data further."

Modifying lists with methods

  • Lists in Python are mutable, meaning you can change their values.

  • Lists have built-in methods or functions that can be used to modify or manipulate the list.

  • Examples of these methods include append, insert, remove, pop, and clear.

"Lists in Python are mutable, which means you can modify their values. Python provides various built-in methods to manipulate lists, such as append, insert, remove, pop, and clear."

Working with Lists and List Methods

  • The pop() method can be used without an index value to remove the last element of a list. This is useful when implementing a stack data structure.

"If you don't specify the index value, pop() will remove the last element."

  • The del command can be used to delete multiple values from a list. You need to specify the index value at which to start deleting and can also specify the end index.

"To delete multiple values, use the del command and specify the index values to start and end the deletion. For example, del nums[2:] deletes all the remaining elements after index 2."

  • The extend() method can be used to add multiple values to a list. Simply specify the values inside the parentheses.

"To add multiple values, use the extend() method and specify the values inside the parentheses. For example, nums.extend([29, 12, 14, 36])."

  • Python has built-in functions for lists such as min(), max(), and sum() which can be used to find the minimum, maximum, and sum of the values in a list.

"Python provides built-in functions like min(), max(), and sum() to find the minimum, maximum, and sum of the list values."

  • The sort() method can be used to sort the values in a list in ascending order.

"The sort() method can sort the values in a list in ascending order."

"List is amazing, it provides so many features."

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