Link to original video by Maestro Bots

MAESTRO Sniper Bot Updated Tutorial


  • This video is a tutorial for the updated version of the Maestro Sniper Bot.

  • The main developer of the bot will guide users through the features and functionalities.

  • The tutorial will cover topics such as gaining access, configuring wallets, setting preferences, and more.

"This is the official Master Sniper Bot deployed by Maestro Bots. Please read the terms of service to confirm your agreement with it."

Gaining Access and Joining Channels

  • To access the bot, users need to join three specific channels: Maestro Bots Hub, Maestro Sniper Updates, and Maestro Bots.

  • Maestro Bots Hub is the central hub for marketing posts and reviews.

  • Maestro Sniper Updates channel provides updates related to the bot, including scraper updates and speed optimizations.

  • Maestro Bots channel is where the main chat and interactions with the bot take place.

"Join the Maestro Bots Hub, Maestro Sniper Updates, and Maestro Bots channels to gain full access to the features of the bot."

Configuring Wallets

  • Users can connect their existing wallets or generate a new one within the bot.

  • It is recommended to generate a new wallet within the bot for added security.

  • When connecting an existing wallet, users can use the private key or mnemonic phrase.

  • Generating a wallet within the bot ensures that only the bot has access to the newly created wallet.

"Generate a new wallet within the bot for added security. Write down the seed phrase and delete it from the chat to minimize the risk of hacking."

Configuring Bot Settings

  • The bot provides a range of settings that users can configure based on their preferences.

  • General settings include options related to the overall behavior of the bot.

  • Additional sections such as buy settings, sell settings, and approval settings allow users to fine-tune their bot's actions.

  • Users can configure wallets, track call channels for token buying, participate in pre-sales, and more.

"Configure the bot settings to align with your preferences. This includes wallet configuration, tracking call channels, and participating in pre-sales."

Deciphering Contracts and Token Information

  • The bot includes functionality related to understanding contracts and token information.

  • Users can copy-paste tokens to retrieve relevant details such as taxes, auto-buy options, and more.

  • The bot provides guidance on how to interpret and utilize the information derived from contracts.

"The bot assists in deciphering contract details and provides information about tokens, including taxes and auto-buy options."

LP/Method Sniping and God Mode

  • The bot supports LP/method sniping, which allows users to buy tokens when a liquidity pool is created.

  • God mode is a feature that can be enabled or disabled, providing additional options for trading.

  • These functionalities enhance the bot's capabilities and offer users more opportunities for successful trades.

"Take advantage of LP/method sniping and God mode to maximize your trading success with the bot."

Multi-Wallet Functionality

  • The bot supports multi-wallet functionality, allowing users to manage multiple wallets within the bot.

  • Users can generate wallets and easily transfer funds between different wallets.

  • It is important to follow proper security measures when using multi-wallet functionality to protect assets.

"Manage multiple wallets within the bot and easily transfer funds between them for enhanced trading flexibility."

Recap and Premium Features

  • The tutorial provides a comprehensive overview of accessing and using the Maestro Sniper Bot.

  • Users are encouraged to join the recommended channels and configure their wallets and settings.

  • Premium features and additional functionalities are available for users who want to further enhance their trading experience.

"This tutorial covers the basics of the Maestro Sniper Bot. Join the recommended channels, configure wallets and settings, and explore premium features for a more advanced trading experience."

Anti-Rug Feature

  • The anti-rug feature is disabled by default.

  • The initial phases of this feature were unstable due to its finicky nature.

  • The feature struggled to capture certain rugs and was not reliable.

  • However, the anti-rug feature has become more advanced and can now capture various rug-related activities.

  • It can detect tax increases, removal of liquidity, changing tax transactions to zero, and even honeypots or any activity resembling a rug.

"Today, anti-rug is advanced enough to capture various rug-related activities."

How Anti-Rug Works

  • When enabled, the bot will front-run and initiate a sell if it detects a transaction that is considered a rug.

  • The bot will execute the sell with more gas than the rug transaction to ensure it happens before the rug transaction goes through.

  • This means that if a rug is attempted on your tokens, the bot will try to sell them before you get rug-pulled.

  • This feature is particularly valuable for tokens from projects that are not trustworthy.

"The bot will sell for you before the rug transaction goes through, protecting your tokens from rug-pulls."

Developer Intentions and Pitfalls

  • The bot cannot read developers' intentions, so it will take action based on certain conditions.

  • If a developer increases taxes, it can be challenging to determine whether it's an attempt to shake out bots or not.

  • If any of the conditions such as tax changes, liquidity removal, or other rug-related activities are met, the anti-rug feature triggers and sells for the user.

  • However, developers may try to deceive the bot by announcing in the chat to disable anti-rug temporarily during certain actions, such as tax increases, and then re-enabling it later.

  • The bot has no way of knowing the intention behind these actions, so it acts based on the established conditions.

"The bot cannot read developers' intentions, so it has to act based on the defined conditions."

Using Anti-Rug for Volatile Tokens

  • It is recommended to enable anti-rug for extremely volatile tokens or projects that you do not trust.

  • For tokens or projects you trust, you can disable anti-rug.

  • During extreme volatility or situations where developers explicitly mention checking out bots, it is advisable to disable anti-rug temporarily.

  • Anti-rug can be selectively disabled per trade, providing flexibility based on specific trade scenarios.

"Enable anti-rug for volatile or untrusted tokens; disable it for trusted ones."

Smart Slippage and its Significance

  • Slippage refers to the additional amount you are willing to pay to ensure a transaction goes through.

  • Smart slippage is an automated function that sets the slippage for you.

  • It is particularly useful for tokens with zero percent taxes.

  • Smart slippage helps secure transactions by optimizing the slippage amount required for successful buys.

  • However, during highly volatile token launches, smart slippage should be disabled to avoid potential issues.

"Smart slippage automatically sets the optimal slippage amount for successful transactions."

Max Gas Price and Its Effect

  • Max gas price is a global condition that restricts any automated action if the gas price exceeds the set maximum.

  • It is important for users to consider gas fees when setting the maximum gas price.

  • If the gas price goes beyond the set maximum, the bot will not send the transaction, resulting in a failed auto-buy.

  • Max gas price should be used to avoid high gas fees or high anti-rug gas fees.

"Max gas price acts as a global condition to restrict automated actions when gas fees are too high."

Auto Buy Settings

  • Users can configure the auto buy settings to determine when the bot should automatically buy a token.

  • The feature allows the bot to buy tokens even if the user already owns them.

  • This can be useful when following multiple call channels, but users should be careful not to double-buy tokens they already own.

"Dubai is by default disabled. If enabled, the bot will auto-buy any token, even if you own it."

Configuring Slippage

  • Users can set their own slippage for buying and selling tokens.

  • The default slippage is 100, but users can adjust it based on their preferences.

  • Smart slippage is a feature that overrides user-set slippage, so users should be mindful of its impact.

"Setting your own slippage will not override smart slippage. If smart slippage is enabled, it will always override user-set slippage."

Gas Limit

  • Setting the gas limit is no longer necessary, as the bot automatically chooses the best gas limit for buying and selling.

  • The bot may use a higher gas limit to ensure transaction success, even if it doesn't consume the full amount.

  • Reward token contracts tend to require more gas due to additional functionality, making them less optimal.

"You don't need to set the gas limit. The bot automatically chooses the best gas limit for your transaction."

Auto Buy Conditions

  • Auto buy conditions allow users to define specific criteria for the bot to buy tokens automatically.

  • Conditions can include factors such as market cap, liquidity, maximum buy tax, and maximum sell tax.

  • By setting these conditions, users can ensure that the bot only buys tokens that meet their desired criteria.

"Auto buys can be conditioned on factors such as market cap, liquidity, and maximum buy/sell tax."

Gas Price and Transaction Priority

  • Gas price is the amount you set for the transaction fee in BSC.

  • Setting a higher gas price increases the priority of your transaction.

  • A higher gas price means you are more likely to have your transaction executed before others.

  • Increasing the gas price can improve your entry point and ensure faster transaction processing.

  • Gas price is an important setting that you will likely use frequently.

"The more you can afford in gas, the better the possibility that you're gonna be aping at lower market cap, you're gonna be having a better entry, and your transactions will go through before anyone else's transactions."

Spending Tokens to Sell

  • When using the Maestro Sniper Bot, you can spend your tokens to actually sell them.

  • There is a long process involved in selling tokens.

    "It's a very long process, right? So if you..."

  • Maestro offers an auto-approve feature that automatically sends an approval transaction every time the bot buys a token.

  • You can disable this behavior if you don't want it, as it is enabled by default.

  • Disabling automatic approvals allows you to have more control over the process.

Gas Price and Approvals

  • The gas price setting determines how much you want to spend to approve transactions.

  • Some people prefer to keep the gas price at the default level because there is no rush to approve a token if you're not selling.

  • However, setting a higher gas price can expedite the approval process and potentially speed up your ability to sell.

    "The faster the approval goes through, the faster you could sell..."

  • It is suggested to set the gas price to a higher value, such as five or six, by default.

  • Most transactions are sent with one extra way on Ethereum, while on BSC, a gas price of five or above is recommended.

Gas Delta on Ethereum

  • On Ethereum, instead of a gas price, you will find a setting called gas Delta in the buy-sell-approve sections.

  • Setting a gas Delta allows the bot to add the gas Delta value to the chain gas and use that as the transaction's gas price.

  • This feature addresses the issue of transactions failing due to low gas prices on Ethereum.

  • For example, if the chain gas price is 20 gwei and you set your Delta to three, the bot will send transactions with a gas price of 23 gwei.

    "And that way, it is really easy to trade on Ethereum without suffering from gas reasons."

Importance of Reporting for Speed

  • It is crucial for the Maestro Sniper Bot to be fast and efficient, even under load.

  • The development team relies on user reports to identify any slowdowns or areas for improvement.

  • They actively work on improving the speed and performance of the bot, and user feedback plays a significant role in this process.

  • Users are encouraged to report any issues they encounter to the admin to help maintain the bot's speed and efficiency.

"We rely on your reports to find out if there's anything we can improve when it comes to speed."

Maestro Whale Bot

  • The whale bot is another bot developed by Maestro that tracks transactions.

  • By adding your own address to the whale bot, you can track your own transactions.

  • Every time you buy or sell, the whale bot sends you a message with the details of the transaction.

"The whale bot can track your own transactions and send you messages about your buying and selling activity."

Benefits of Using Sniper and Whale Bot

  • Using the sniper and whale bots together can provide a good overview of your performance and token activity.

  • These tools can be used with your sniper wallet, allowing you to monitor your tokens effectively.

  • The same functionality can be achieved with any other wallet if you are copy trading.

"Explore the sniper and whale bots to gain a comprehensive understanding of your performance and token activity."

Using Sniper Bot Features

  • To access the sniper bot features, go back to the sniper menu and enter the command "smash sniper".

  • This will take you to the main function office where you can make changes.

"Access the sniper bot features by entering 'smash sniper' in the sniper menu."

Token Information

  • When you copy and paste an address to the bot, it instantly scans it as a token.

  • The bot provides a summary of the token, including the address, LP address, chain, name, symbol, and decimals.

"The bot scans the token instantly and provides a summary of its key details."

Sniper Bot Summary

  • The bot provides information such as balance, chain gas, transaction fees, liquidity, market cap, and more.

  • It shows the balance of the token you own, the gas required for transactions, and the liquidity available.

  • The liquidity is sourced from Pancake Swap routers V1, V2, and Ape Swap Routers.

"The bot provides a comprehensive summary of the token, including balance, fees, liquidity, and market cap."

Understanding Alpha and Copy-Pasting Contracts

  • The speaker asks when was the last time the bot encountered a particular contract and copy-pasted it

  • The speaker realizes that they were the last one to copy-paste the contract, as it shows 5 minutes and 40 seconds ago

  • The speaker explains that the Alpha value is an important indicator for determining whether a token is worth investing in

  • A low Alpha indicates a good opportunity for buying a token, especially if it is a new token that nobody has touched yet

  • On the other hand, a high Alpha suggests that many people already have the token, making it a less favorable investment

"The alpha is a good indicator that you have a really good Alpha CA if it's a very high alpha that means everybody has it."

Multi-Wallet and Generating a Demo Wallet

  • Users don't have a wallet initially.

  • The Maestro Sniper Bot allows users to generate a wallet.

  • A wallet is generated called "demo two" in the live tutorial.

  • Copying and pasting the contract address allows access to the wallet.

  • The wallet button allows users to switch between wallets.

  • The bot automatically updates the balance of the selected wallet.

"Yeah we don't have a wallet. Here I'm gonna generate a wallet. I'm gonna call it the demo two."

Managing Wallets and Auto-Updating Balance

  • Users can use the wallet buttons to switch between wallets.

  • When a wallet is selected, the bot updates the balance to reflect the true value.

  • This feature is helpful for checking the balance of tokens held in a particular wallet.

"If you're trying to find a balance of tokens that you hold on a certain wallet that is present on the bot, you can keep using the wallet buttons to switch between your wallets, and the bot will auto-update the balance here to reflect the true value of how much that particular wallet holds."

Exploring the Buy Menu and Trade Monitor

  • The trade monitor is a crucial part of the Maestro Sniper Bot.

  • To access the trade monitor, users can click on the "Chart" option.

  • The trade monitor displays active trades and updates the values as they change.

  • The buy menu features several rows of buttons, including "Track," "Chart," and "God mode."

  • When a purchase is made, the bot sends an approval transaction and adds the token to the trade monitor.

"Every time you buy, a couple of things happen. Obviously, the bot was in the transaction. If you have auto-approved enabled, it will send an approval transaction and add the token to something called the trade monitor. The trade monitor is the thing that you're gonna probably be watching all day long."

Setting the threshold for buying the dip

  • The update allows users to set the threshold at which the bot will buy the dip.

  • Clicking on "zero dollars" allows users to specify the threshold.

  • There are three options for setting the threshold: percentage based on token value, value based on token price, or value based on market cap.

  • Setting the market cap threshold means considering the token dipped when it reaches the specified value.

  • For example, setting the market cap at $40,000 means considering the token dipped when its market cap reaches that value.

"If you click it, it will allow you to set the threshold at which you want the bot to buy the dip."

Selecting the threshold type

  • After clicking on the threshold option, three different options appear.

  • These options determine how the threshold will be set: percentage based on token value, value based on token price, or value based on market cap.

  • Selecting the market cap option means setting the threshold based on the market cap value of the token.

"Once you click it, the row changes into three different options. These options determine how do you want to set the threshold."

Setting the market cap threshold

  • The market cap threshold can be set by specifying a value.

  • For example, setting the market cap threshold at $40,000 means considering the token dipped when its market cap reaches $40,000.

  • After setting the market cap threshold, the bot confirms the change and displays it as the new threshold value.

  • Users can use "40K" as a shorthand way to specify $40,000.

"If I click on market cap, the bot says that I am setting the market cap in USD at which I consider the token as dipped."

Enabling the bot to buy the dip

  • Activating the bot enables the "buy dip" button.

  • The "fade monitor" displays a new line indicating that the bot will buy the dip at the specified market cap threshold.

  • Once the bot is activated, it will monitor and execute the dip-buying action according to the specified threshold.

"If I activate binder, two things are going to happen: the button will get enabled and on the fade monitor, we're going to see a new line saying 'buy dip activates at market cap 40K.'"

Trade Monitor Summary

  • The trade monitor provides an overview of your trades and their key information.

  • It includes the primary trade and other trades, with the primary trade showing important details such as the token symbol, percentage price difference, and expiration time.

  • The trade monitor automatically tracks trades for auto sell, anti-rug, and other functionalities.

  • It is crucial to ensure that trades are on the trade monitor for the bot to track them effectively.

  • Expired, disabled, or deleted trades will no longer be monitored for auto sell or anti-rug.

"The trade monitor gives you a concise summary of each trade, including the token symbol, percentage price difference, and expiration time."

Trade Monitor Details

  • The trade monitor also provides additional details about each trade, including the initial trade value, current worth, and time elapsed since the trade was made or refreshed.

  • The market price and market cap of the token are displayed, giving you a live view on the token's value.

  • The trade monitor also shows the profit or loss with taxes factored in, as well as the price impact.

  • By refreshing the monitor, you can update the time elapsed and ensure that the trade is continually tracked.

"The trade monitor includes details such as the initial trade value, current worth, and time elapsed since the trade was made or refreshed."

Handling Addresses

  • The Maestro Sniper Bot uses a smart algorithm to detect and analyze addresses.

  • The algorithm can handle addresses split into multiple parts or even if emojis are added.

  • It is designed to recognize addresses in various formats and can accurately identify them.

"The bot's smart algorithm is capable of recognizing addresses, even if they are split into multiple parts or include emojis."

Bot Functionality

  • The bot is able to read and decipher contracts.

  • In the tutorial, the main developer demonstrates how the bot can read addresses and even solve mathematical equations within the contract.

"The bot will read it, let's try to figure that out."

Testing the Bot's Reading Abilities

  • The developer tests the bot's ability to read different variations of addresses by removing or replacing characters.

  • The bot is able to successfully read the modified addresses and provide accurate results.

"Okay, let's make things even worse... let's see if this works out... it did!"

Bot's Ability to Read Charts and Images

  • The bot is capable of reading charts such as blue coin and Dex tools.

  • It can also read images, although the accuracy may vary.

  • The developer mentions that the team is continuously working on improving the image processing module.

"If you use Dex tools, same thing... the bot will circle back to find the token and it will print the token summary... the bot does read images as well."

God Mode Feature

  • God mode is a functionality that allows users to buy on launch with block delay, snipe method, liquidity, and auto.

  • The tutorial demonstrates how to access the God mode feature and configure the settings accordingly.

"God mode is the functionality that allows you to buy on launch with the block delay, snipe method, liquidity, and auto..."

Various Options in God Mode

  • Users can select their preferred wallet to use in God mode.

  • A specific gas price can be set for the launch, overriding the global gas buy settings.

  • Snipe Auto is an option for users who have no idea how the token will launch, although it is slow and conservative.

  • Snipe Liquid focuses on buying when the developer enables liquidity.

"You're able to select your wallet... you can set a specific gas price for the launch... snipe Auto is the easiest method to use to snipe launches... snipe Liquid, when the dev adds liquidity, the bot will try to buy."

Considering Block Delays and Snipe Method

  • Block delays are implemented to avoid dead blocks and combat sniper bots.

  • The snipe method is often associated with block delays, and users need to be aware of the potential delays when sniping.

"I most likely going to encounter block delay with snipe method... the block delay is there for you to avoid all the dead blocks."

Understanding Block Delay

  • Block delay is the waiting time between enabling trading and the ability to buy tokens.

  • Dead blocks are certain blocks in which buying early can result in heavy taxation. This is a measure to prevent sniper bots from profiting.

"Block delay is there so that once the bot sees the transaction that enables trading, it will wait an x amount of blocks before it buys... if you buy early, you will get taxed 99, which means he stole your money."

  • Snipe Auto is recommended when users have no idea how the token will launch.

  • The tutorial emphasizes that results from Snipe Auto may not be favorable, therefore caution is advised.

"Snipe Auto is the easiest method to use to snipe launches... if the results of Snipe Auto are not good, you have been warned."

Setting Amount and Slippage in God Mode

  • Users can set the amount of native currency or tokens they are willing to send in a transaction.

  • Setting slippage is important when users want to lock in on the maximum wallet or bag size.

"You can set the amount, the native amount or the token amount... use it when you want to lock in on the max wallet or a max bag."

Limitations of Snipe Auto and Future Improvements

  • Snipe Auto is a slow and conservative option and may not be suitable in all scenarios.

  • The developers are planning to improve Snipe Auto in the future.

"Snipe Auto is slow... in the future, we are going to improve it."

Providing the Demo Address for Testing

  • The tutorial provides a demo address and token for users to practice and test the God mode.

"Let me grab the demo address I have deployed... please do not buy this token, it's worthless and you're just going to make my life harder."

Disclaimer and Recap

  • The developer reminds users to exercise caution and not to buy the demo token as it has no value.

  • A recap of the God mode settings and options is given.

"Please do not buy this token... to recap, we have God mode, snipe method, snipe liquid, setting the amount, and snipe Auto."

Avoiding Block Delays

  • To avoid block delays, you can set a block delay.

  • In some scenarios, the bot needs to avoid specific blocks to prevent being flagged as a bot.

  • For example, if there are dead blocks or a block that launched the token, these should be considered in the block delay count.

  • Setting the block delay to the correct number will help the bot avoid being flagged.

"So when you set your god mode, make sure you use three block delays to avoid being flagged as a bot."

Features of Maestro Sniper Bot

  • The Maestro Sniper Bot has the ability to ban wallets on the main wallet.

  • It can also front run transactions to ensure successful buys.

  • There may be cases where replacement transactions are necessary.

"The most important part is that all of my tokens got sold."

The Blacklist Function

  • The Blacklist function is a feature of the Maestro Sniper Bot.

  • It allows users to ban specific wallets that are deemed blackliste.

  • Blacklisted wallets are usually limited to low gas limits.

  • The blacklist function can be used for multiple wallets at once.

"You're gonna find... the wallet that blacklisted the contract which is the token."

Anti-Rug and Gas Price Considerations

  • Anti-Rug feature aims to protect the value of users' tokens.

  • The Gas Price in front running transactions can be high.

  • It may not be worth paying high gas prices if the token holdings are not valuable enough.

  • The Max Gas Price setting helps prevent bot selling at excessively high gas prices.

"The max gas price will forbid the bot from selling if the gas price is too high on the rug."

Maestro's No-Contract Approach

  • Maestro Sniper Bot uses a no-contract approach.

  • This means that the bot appears as a regular wallet during transactions.

  • It does not interact with any intermediary or appear as a bot.

"It will keep your transactions looking like human transactions and it will not look like a bot."

Anti-Rug Functionality

  • Anti-Rug feature of Maestro Sniper Bot focuses on protecting the value of tokens.

  • It front runs high tax, significant sells, and other potentially damaging transactions.

"When we say we use the term rug in anti-rug, we literally mean any behavior that will affect the value of your tokens drastically."

Market Cap Configuration

  • The speaker mentions different conditions that have been set in the global market cap condition to one thousand dollars, which is the max market cap.

  • The current token's market cap is three billion, so the speaker needs to remove this condition.

  • To remove the market cap condition, the speaker enables "Channel Alibi" in a wallet called the copy trade wallet autobuy.

  • The speaker also discusses the importance of setting an auto buy amount.

  • Without an auto buy amount, the bot will not know the user's limit, which can lead to unwanted purchases.

  • The max buy amount acts as a restriction on how much the bot can buy.

  • By removing the market cap condition and enabling autobuy with a specific buy amount, the errors related to the market cap and channel autobuy are resolved.

"Without having a buy amount, the bot will not know your maximum restricted amount."

Auto Sell Settings

  • To enable auto sell, go to the Trade Monitor.

  • From there, select "Enable Auto Sell" and also enable RSL (Real Stop Loss) and Take Profit.

  • You can define your cell low threshold and cell high (stop loss) settings.

"Enable auto sell and you enable RSL and you select your cell low threshold here and your cell high (stop loss) AKA stop loss and the take profit."

Copy Trade Functionality

  • You have the option to either follow the wallet for copy sells or use the auto sell functionality.

  • Copy trade functionality is fully supported by the bot.

"You could choose either to follow the wallet for the copy sells or you could define and use the auto sell functionality that is present and supported by the bot."

Front Running in Copy Trade

  • Front running can occur when you let someone else copy your trades using your wallet.

  • To avoid front running, you should instruct them to turn off this feature.

  • If front running is turned off, their transactions will match the gas and priority of your transactions.

"It'll be a good idea to tell them to turn off front running. If they turn off front running, they will match your wallet's transactions gas and usually they will not front run you."

Front Running and Auto Buy/Sell

  • Front running also applies to auto buys and sells.

  • Enabling front run will result in the bot buying or selling before the copy trade wallet.

"If you enable front run, it will also front run sell the wallet. Not only are you buying before the copy trade wallet, you're also selling before the copy trade wallet."

Cold Channels

  • To access cold channels, go to slash sniper and then cold channels.

  • The cold channels section allows you to manage channels.

  • You can view the "me" channel and the scraper channel.

"In cold channels, you're gonna click slash sniper, you're gonna go to cold channels, you're gonna click your favorite chain and the first two things you will see is the me Channel and the scraper channel."

Me Channel

  • The me channel governs how the bot behaves when you copy and paste contract addresses to your DMs.

  • It is your DM with the bot.

  • You can set specific settings on a per-channel basis which will override the general global settings.

"The me Channel governs the behavior of the bot when you copy paste the CA (contract addresses) to your DMs. This is like how the bot will handle this Channel."

Sniper Bot Trading Styles and Channel Tracking

  • Enable the trading styles if you want to use them for your "me Channel".

  • Multi requires enabling both the multi-global toggle and the multi on the DM.

  • "Me Channel" cannot be untracked after pasting the token for the bot.

"Make sure these are enabled if you want to enable them for your 'me Channel'. For multi, you need to enable both the multi-global toggle and the multi on the DM."

Enabling and Using Multi in Madami Channel

  • "Madami Channel" considers the user's "me Channel" as a calling channel.

  • The difference is that you can't untrack yourself on "Madami Channel".

  • The bot will always send you information when you paste a token.

"For Madami Channel, the bot considers your 'me Channel' with the bot as a calling channel. The only difference is that you cannot untrack yourself."

Tracking a Channel without Auto Buying Calls

  • You can track a channel without auto buying calls.

  • Demonstration uses a subscribed death channel with no auto buy.

"If you want to track a channel but you don't want to auto buy any calls, you can. Let me give an example. I have subscribed to a death channel for demo purposes, and it's only tracked, no auto buy."

Sending a Call and Bot Response

  • The user sends a call on the demo token.

  • Bot detects the call and provides information.

  • Bot also indicates alerts, like auto buy being disabled or market cap being above the threshold.

"I'm gonna send the call right now on the dev Channel. As you can see here, I've sent the call. The bot detected the call, it says new call from Dev, and it gives you the token and the information. It also tells you if there's anything wrong with the auto buy."

Solving Necessary Conditions and Buying a Token

  • Necessary conditions for a successful buy are market cap above the threshold and auto buy disabled for the channel.

  • Set the market cap threshold in the BSC config.

  • Set the auto buy amount for the channel.

  • Solve the conditions by updating the config and setting the buy amount.

  • The bot successfully buys the token when called.

"These are all necessary conditions, which I have shown you how to solve before. I'm gonna solve them again here for you, except that in this case, I'm gonna have to call another token."

Enabling Auto Sell and Recap on Call Channels

  • Auto sell can be enabled after the buy on the trade monitor.

  • Recap on call channels: set up auto sell if desired.


  • The video is recapping and summarizing the functionalities of the Maestro Sniper Bot.

  • The bot's features include wallet settings, call channels, snipe resource functionality, copy trading, alpha counter, premium membership, and the private group called Maestro Yacht Club.

"Let's recap so once you do /sniper, the slash sniper menu will also show you the pending presale snipe on the summary."

Wallet Settings

  • Wallet settings are the global settings that govern the behavior of the bot for buying and selling.

  • Users can activate features such as antioxide, set the maximum gas price, and decide whether to auto-approve after a buy.

"These are the global wallet settings that govern the behavior of the bot when it's buys, sells, and approves."

Call Channels

  • The call channels menu allows users to specify specific settings for tracking call channels.

  • Users can choose to autobuy or autosell when calls happen and set the settings for copy-pasting the CA and ME Channel.

"The call channels menu is where you specify the specific settings for call channels. This is where you track call channels and auto buy or auto sell when they happen."

Snipe Resource Functionality

  • The snipe resource functionality allows users to slide pre-sales and copies trades.

  • The functionality is especially useful for tracking pre-sales and copying multiple wallets' trades.

"The snipe resource functionality will simply just slide pre-sales, and the copies trade is where you copy trade multiple wallets."

Copy Trading

  • The copy trade feature allows users to copy trades from multiple wallets.

  • The basic version allows copying up to three wallets, while the premium version allows up to 10 wallets.

"In the basic version, it allows you to copy trade up to three wallets. If you subscribe to premium, you get ten wallets."

Alpha Counter

  • The alpha counter is a feature that shows how many unique users have pasted a specific contract address.

  • It is a useful indicator to know if a contract is unique or widely used.

"The alpha counter is how many unique people have pasted this contract address before."

Premium Membership

  • Premium membership costs $200 per 30 days and provides several benefits.

  • Premium members have access to additional features like more trade monitor slots, multi-wallets, and separate bots.

  • The membership also includes access to the private group called Maestro Yacht Club.

"Premium membership costs 200 per 30 days. It gives you first-class support, additional trade monitor slots, multi-wallets, and access to the Maestro Yacht Club."

Improving Bot Speed

  • The developers are constantly working on optimizing the bot's speed and performance.

  • User feedback on bugs and slowdowns is crucial in identifying areas for improvement.

"We're always endeavoring to speed up the bot. If you find any slowdowns or bugs, please report them to us."

In Conclusion

The video provides a comprehensive overview of the Maestro Sniper Bot's main features, such as wallet settings, call channels, snipe resource functionality, copy trading, and premium membership benefits. Additionally, it highlights the importance of user feedback in improving the bot's performance and speed.


  • Maestro Sniper Bot is transparent with its users about fees and wallets.

  • The main developer is sharing information and appearing on camera.

"we are very transparent with our users"

The Vision of Maestro Sniper Bot

  • Maestro Sniper Bot aims to give everyone, including whales, shrimps, and sharks, the opportunity to snipe launches.

  • The goal is to provide a powerful, fully-featured sniper to the masses.

"to give everybody the whales the shrimps the Sharks everybody a chance to snipe launches and to give the all the power of a of a very strong uh fully featured sniper to the hands of the masses"

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