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The Depressing Truths Behind Man Vs Wild

Bear Grylls' fakery exposed

  • Mark Weinert, a consultant on the show, revealed that Bear Grylls did not sleep under a rock in the Sierra Nevada mountains, but instead stayed at a luxurious resort called the Pines Resort in Bass Lake.

  • In season 1 episode 5, Grylls encounters wild mustangs, but it was later revealed that the scene was choreographed with a domesticated horse from a nearby ranch.

  • Season 1 episode 9, which portrayed Grylls surviving on a desert island, was actually filmed off the coast of Hawaii, and Grylls spent his evenings in a motel.

"Most of the scenes in the show don't exist in the area he was supposed to be in avocado trees lava tube tropical forest fishes and landing sites are all in different parts of the island and separated by up to 50 miles."

Fakery on Mount Kilauea

  • The episode featuring Mount Kilauea showcased Grylls walking on an active volcano, surrounded by what appeared to be poisonous sulfur dioxide gas. However, it was later revealed that the gas was harmless vapor created by smoke machines.

  • The red glow of molten magma was supplemented by burning hot coals brought in by the production team.

"The white clouds of poisonous sulfur dioxide that billowed around the former SAS Explorer were in fact harmless vapor created by smoke machines."

Crossing lava cracks and proximity to civilization

  • Grylls claimed to be in a dangerous situation while crossing lava cracks, but a YouTuber showed that the crack actually came to an end just behind the camera and could have been easily walked around.

  • Grylls also claimed to be far from civilization, but he was actually right next to a major highway and a parking area where cars were visible.

"The whole crew was petrified of the crocodiles. They didn't want to get anywhere near the water, so we filmed a setup of him like he was near a crocodile when he was actually a safe distance away."

Scripted scenes and staged survival

  • Survival expert Nick Vroomans, who worked on the show, revealed that everything seen on Man vs Wild was set up, including building shelters and finding snakes for Grylls to eat. In one instance, Grylls was shown eating a snake, but it was actually roadkill that Vroomans found.

  • Grylls was almost attacked by a crocodile, but Vroomans exposed that the crew filmed a setup with Grylls at a safe distance from the crocodile.

"Everything you see in the show is set up... even the scene where he caught and ate a snake."

Bear Grylls' response and public apology

  • Grylls defended the show, stating that he would film the night scenes alone in extreme conditions and stay with the crew during other times.

  • Grylls issued a public apology, expressing regret if people felt misled by the representation of the first season and promised a hundred percent transparency in the future.

"If people felt misled on how the first series was represented, I'm really sorry for that."

Season 2 disclaimer and skepticism

  • The second season of Man vs Wild began with a disclaimer, but it did little to convince viewers of the show's authenticity.

  • Despite the efforts to cover themselves, viewers remained skeptical about the show's legitimacy.

"It's not like this did anything to convince viewers of the show's authenticity."

Hotel or Something

  • The hotel or location used in the show was exposed for a stunt during the episode, which made it worse.

"the show was exposed for a different stunt during the episode, [which] became even worse"

Drinking Water from Elephant Dung

  • In one episode, Bear Grylls demonstrated squeezing water out of elephant dung to drink. Canadian survival expert Les Stroud debunked this strategy, stating that it is not possible to obtain drinkable water from elephant dung.

"it's not possible to squeeze drinkable water out of elephant dung"

Skepticism from Lestra

  • Canadian survival expert Les Stroud criticized Man vs Wild for its lack of authenticity, stating that some of the survival skills taught on the show are bogus and could worsen a real survival situation.

"some of the skills if followed and attempted in a real survival situation could result in worsening the situation"

Criticism from Viewers

  • There are various YouTube videos and websites dedicated to highlighting the poor advice given by Bear Grylls on the show. Many viewers consider these instances as fakery.

"YouTube videos as well as full-blown websites dedicated to the poor advice that Bear Grylls has given"

Set-Up Shots and Survival Techniques

  • Some viewers argue that although the shots may be set up, Bear Grylls is still demonstrating survival techniques, which is the main objective of the show.

"he teaches survival techniques, it's obviously irrelevant if he's really facing those perils or not"

Debunking Impossible Stunts

  • A YouTuber named Lo has questioned the authenticity of Bear Grylls' stunts, claiming that one particular stunt of eating a snake is completely impossible, despite Grylls having shown himself eating snakes in other episodes.

"the show seems convinced that even when set up, a different Bear Gryll stunt is completely impossible"

Climbing Criticism

  • Climber Justin Wallace criticized a climbing advertisement featuring Bear Grylls, pointing out that Grylls was using incorrect gear, knots, and climbing techniques.

"Guess we're using the melonious coil, which you don't really do... Climbing the wall incorrectly"

Exposing Trained Professionals

  • An article accused Bear Grylls' show, The Island, of fakery after it was revealed that some of the participants were trained professionals, and certain aspects such as crocodile release and drinking water were manipulated by the production crew.

"Bear Grylls show accused of fakery again after the Island's ordinary men exposed as trained professionals"

Channel 4's Response

  • Channel 4 defended the show by stating that the trained professionals were part of the experiment and that their backgrounds and professions were disclosed on screen and on the Channel 4 website. They also explained the reasons behind the crocodile release and the existence of a water source.

"the trained crew are part of the experiment... their professions are captioned on screen"

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