Link to original video by Andrew LaCivita

The Best Answer to "What's Your Expected Salary?"

In the video "The Best Answer to "What's Your Expected Salary?"", Andy explains how to effectively respond to the question of expected salary during a job interview. He starts by acknowledging that this question can be daunting and frustrating for job seekers. However, he emphasizes the importance of not providing a specific number as a response.

Andy points out that candidates often lack the necessary information about a company's culture, work environment, benefits, and other factors that can impact salary expectations. He also reassures viewers that recruiters do not have the final say in determining a candidate's salary. Instead, it is the hiring officials who make those decisions.

To handle this question, Andy advises job seekers to focus on the overall value of working for the company, including factors such as job responsibilities, colleagues, training opportunities, career advancement prospects, and benefits. He suggests responding with a script that highlights the candidate's interest in exploring the various aspects of the company during the interview process before discussing salary expectations.

While some may consider this response evasive, Andy explains that it positions the candidate well throughout the hiring process. By demonstrating their qualifications and not providing an expected salary upfront, candidates can earn more points and make an informed decision regarding salary negotiations in the end.

Andy also mentions his experience as a hiring official, where he preferred recruiters not to ask candidates about their expected salary because their responses were often uninformed. He emphasizes that recruiters are more likely to be impressed by candidates who don't provide a specific number and instead focus on the overall opportunity.

In conclusion, Andy advises job seekers to approach the question of expected salary by emphasizing the value of the entire opportunity and not providing a specific number. He also encourages viewers to watch his other videos and join his live office hours for further guidance on negotiating salaries throughout the job application process.

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