Link to original video by Lowly.

INZO - Overthinker

Theme of overthinking and losing touch with reality

  • The opening lines describe a person who constantly thinks but has nothing to think about except their own thoughts, leading them to lose touch with reality and live in a world of illusions.

  • The constant chatter in their mind, characterized as thoughts, is a perpetual and compulsive repetition of words for reckoning and calculating.

  • The lyrics emphasize that thinking itself is not inherently bad but should be used in moderation as a servant rather than a master.

  • The overemphasis on thinking, prevalent in so-called civilized societies, is seen as a cause for increasing madness and self-destructiveness.

  • Excessive thinking is described as a factor that disconnects individuals from reality.

Confusing signs with the real world

  • The lyrics express how people confuse signs, symbols, and representations with the actual reality they represent.

  • This confusion leads to a disaster as the real world of nature is unintentionally destroyed due to the misinterpretation of science and its detachment from nature.

  • The focus on the mind and excessive thinking has resulted in people becoming disconnected from their senses.

Awakening and questioning reality

  • The lyrics call for a wake-up call, encouraging listeners to question what reality truly is.

  • While reality cannot be simply explained in words, it is emphasized that it is not material but merely an idea.

  • The song suggests that reality is something that cannot be fully understood or articulated through language.

Embracing existence and moving forward

  • The lyrics acknowledge that the expression of one's self is an inherent part of living.

  • The necessity of survival and the continuation of life are highlighted.

  • The repetition of the phrase "we must go on" underscores the importance of embracing existence and moving forward despite the complexities of reality.

(Note: The lyrics primarily convey abstract concepts and philosophical ideas, so the interpretation may vary among listeners.)

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