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What is Philosophy?: Crash Course Philosophy #1

Introduction to Philosophy

  • Crash Course Philosophy is brought to you by Squarespace.

"Crash Course Philosophy is brought to you by Squarespace."

The Journey of Philosophy

  • The journey is about exploring the world and what gives it meaning and beauty.

  • It aims to understand the origin of evil and the nature of reality.

"On this journey, we'll explore all aspects of your life - why you do what you do, why you think what you think, why you feel what you feel?"

Previous Knowledge

  • While previous knowledge of psychology, biology, anatomy, and organ functions can help understand thoughts, feelings, and actions, this journey will focus on aspects of human nature that cannot be explained by these sciences.

  • The journey will question the impact of upbringing, chemicals, and genetics on free will and individual accountability.

  • The goal is to examine unanswered questions and paradoxes faced by geniuses throughout history.

"Now, if you've watched Crash Course before, you might say, 'We've learned this stuff already.' Psychology, biology, anatomy, organ functions. And this is true; science definitely helps us understand how we think, feel, and behave. But this, this is a different kind of journey. Instead of just looking at the world and describing what we see, we're going to evaluate it. No assumptions. Or at least try really, really hard not to."

"The journey of philosophy is about questioning everything we think we know."

The Nature of Philosophy

  • Philosophy is often used to describe personal opinions or approaches to a particular subject.

  • This course uses the term more specifically, referring to a way of viewing the world.

  • The roots of philosophy can be traced back to ancient Greece, around 500 BCE, alongside other great intellectual movements like Buddhism and Jainism.

"Nowadays, people use the word 'philosophy' to describe an opinion they have or an approach they take to a particular subject. I personally don't have a philosophy of golf. You could, though. Philosophy, in this course, means something a bit different: it refers to a specific way of viewing the world. But the word philosophy got its start in ancient Greece, 500 years before right now, at the same time that Buddhism and Jainism started. There, ancient Greek thinkers were trying to distinguish things - what they started calling Philos and Mithos. Philos meaning love and Mithos meaning legend, which is what we today call science and stories."

"Philosophy is a way of viewing the world, distinct from personal opinions or approaches."

Greek Beginnings

  • The early Greek philosophers approached understanding the world more analytically and scientifically than the poets, who used stories to interpret the world.

  • While the concept of "science" did not yet exist, the early philosophers laid the groundwork for systematic inquiry into the natural world.

"The ancient Greeks had poets like Homer, who interpreted and explained the world using stories. But the earliest philosophers preferred a more analytical, scientific approach. Though they didn't have what we'd call 'science' yet, they were in the business of asking questions and trying to answer them, which is kind of what science is."

"Early Greek philosophers laid the groundwork for systematic inquiry into the natural world."

The Meaning of Philosophy

  • The word philosophy literally means "love of wisdom."

  • It offered a new way of attempting to understand the world.

  • Philosophy is a distinct discipline that focuses on asking questions and seeking answers.

"So, philosophy - literally 'love of wisdom' - was a new way of trying to understand the world."

"Philosophy is the pursuit of wisdom through questioning and seeking answers."

Origins of Philosophy

  • The early philosophers used the term "philosophy" to refer to "academic study of anything".

  • This included subjects like golf .

  • The first universities in the Western world were the Academy of Plato and the Lyceum of Aristotle.

  • They covered a wide range of subjects like mathematics, biology, physics, poetry, politics, and astronomy .

"Finally, scientists began to think of these fields as separate disciplines" .

The Nature of Philosophy

  • Philosophy is a way of thinking about big questions .

  • After 2500 years of asking questions , philosophers still enjoy asking questions.

  • Philosophy explores the fundamental nature of the world, the universe, and beings .

  • Questions include: What is the world made of? Is there a God? What is the nature of oneself? .

"These questions are ways to discover beyond nature, metaphysics, as the philosophers call it" .

Epistemology and Metaphysics

  • Epistemology is the study of knowledge .

  • Epistemology asks questions like: Is the world really what I think it is? Is everything I see, think, and experience real? .

  • How do we know what is real? Is science the best way to discover truth? Are there non-material ways to truth that science cannot reach? .

"After much research and questioning, I have developed limited knowledge of what can be real" .

Value Theory

  • Value theory explores what we should do and what we should value .

  • It is divided into two main branches: ethics and aesthetics.

  • Ethics deals with questions of morality and how to live a good life.

  • Aesthetics explores questions of beauty and the nature of art.

"Ethics, the thing politicians are always said to lack" .

What is Philosophy?

Ethics: How should I live?

  • Philosophy studies the ethics of how people can live together.

  • It questions how one should live and whether there are reasons to treat strangers differently from loved ones.

  • It also explores whether individuals have obligations to themselves, animals, or the Earth.

  • Philosophy asks where these obligations come from and who determines them.

"Ethics is not just about knowing what is right and wrong. It is a study of how people can live together."

Aesthetics: What is beauty?

  • Aesthetics is the study of beauty and art.

  • It encompasses everything from media to art schools to beauty salons.

  • Philosophers explore the nature of beauty and whether it is objective or subjective.

  • Beauty and art are valued and appreciated by many.

"Aesthetics is part of value theory because beauty and art are things we appreciate and value."

Logic: Tools for philosophers

  • Logic is the toolbox of philosophers.

  • It includes tools such as saws, hammers, and microscopes.

  • Philosophers use logic to answer their questions in a clear and organized manner.

  • Logic is based on evidence and provides strong arguments that avoid fallacies, which are philosophical accuracy's enemy.

"Logic contains the tools that philosophers use. It provides clear and organized answers to their questions."

Philosophy in everyday life

  • Philosophy is not limited to academics.

  • It is practiced unknowingly in various aspects of everyday life.

  • When people have debates with their parents, ponder about dating someone, or decide what to eat, they are engaging in philosophy.

  • It involves thinking about the world, one's place in it, and exploring one's values.

"Philosophy is the practice of thinking about the world and one's place in it. It involves exploring one's values."

Course plan: Understanding and evaluating

  • The course will focus on core specialties in philosophy.

  • It will ask questions and consider possible answers throughout.

  • The two-step approach will be followed:

    1. Engage deeply with the ideas to understand them.

    2. Critically evaluate one's understanding, even if it challenges preconceived notions.

"In the first step, we will dive deep into understanding the ideas. In the second step, we will challenge our understanding."

Philosophy beyond academia

  • Philosophy is not just confined to academic study.

  • It has relevance and application beyond the classroom.

  • It expands one's perspective of the world and helps in deciding if other worldviews are worth embracing.

"Philosophy is not limited to academic study. It expands one's perspective and helps in evaluating different worldviews."

What is Philosophy?

  • Philosophy teaches us how to think and find meaningful answers.

  • It encourages us to use our minds to seek answers that make sense to us.

"The aim of philosophy is to use your mind to arrive at meaningful answers for yourself."

  • Philosophy teaches us how to construct arguments and explain why we think we're right.

"You'll learn how to construct arguments to support your ideas, and be able to explain why you think you're right."

  • Many people struggle with critical thinking and reasoning, especially online.

"If you've spent any time on the internet, you'll know that this is something many people struggle to do."

The Purpose of Philosophy

  • The purpose of philosophy is to navigate the fundamental questions, using the tool of philosophical reasoning.

"Philosophical reasoning is the tool we use to navigate confusion and seek answers to the most fundamental questions."

  • Philosophy helps us understand and evaluate different worldviews.

"It helps us understand and evaluate a wide range of different worldviews."

Historical Origins of Philosophy

  • Philosophy originated in ancient Greece and can be divided into three main branches: metaphysics, epistemology, and value theory.

"This episode of Crash Course Philosophy has covered the historical origins of philosophy in ancient Greece and its three main divisions: metaphysics, epistemology, and value theory."

  • The episode also discussed the basics of logic and how it can be used to understand and evaluate different perspectives.

"It also introduced logic and how it can be used to understand and evaluate different perspectives."

Sponsorship and Video Production Details

  • This episode of Crash Course Philosophy was made possible by Squarespace.

"This episode of Crash Course Philosophy was made possible by Squarespace."

  • Squarespace is a platform for creating websites and online stores, offering user-friendly interfaces, customizable templates, and 24/7 customer support.

"Squarespace is a platform for creating websites, blogs, or online stores. It offers user-friendly interfaces, customizable templates, and 24/7 customer support."

  • The course was produced in collaboration with PBS Digital Studios and features impressive works from other channels like "The Good Stuff," "PBS Space Time," and "Physics Girl."

"This course was produced in collaboration with PBS Digital Studios and features other amazing works from channels like 'The Good Stuff,' 'PBS Space Time,' and 'Physics Girl.'"

  • The episode was filmed in Dr. Cheryl Cline's studio with the help of the incredible Thoth Cafe design team.

"This episode was filmed in Dr. Cheryl Cline's studio with the help of the incredible Thoth Cafe design team."

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