Link to original video by Alix

¿Cómo estudiar idiomas en casa?

Tips for studying languages at home

  • Start the day by listening to podcasts, news, or music in the language of your choice.

  • Practice repeating phrases as you hear them.

  • Use a translator app to save new phrases.

"Listening to podcasts and music in the target language is a great way to start the day."

Note-taking strategies

  • Take notes to help with memorization.

  • Write down the date to improve memorization of days, months, and numbers.

  • Make a to-do list for the day, including verb usage to practice.

"Taking notes and writing down the date can help with memorization and language practice."

Learning vocabulary at the supermarket

  • While shopping, note down new words.

  • Take the opportunity to practice vocabulary in context.

  • Listen to YouTube videos in the target language while walking.

  • Watching cooking videos in the language being learned can also be helpful.

"Shopping at the supermarket is a great opportunity to learn new vocabulary and practice using it in context."

Using language learning apps

  • Utilize language learning apps like Busuu.

  • These apps offer exercises for grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, and comprehension.

  • Make use of the community feature to practice conversation with other learners.

  • Dedicate at least five minutes a day to using the app.

"Language learning apps like Busuu provide a variety of exercises and opportunities for practice with other learners."

Watching movies and TV shows in the target language

  • Watch familiar movies or TV shows in the target language.

  • Focus on listening to the language without worrying about understanding the plot.

  • Practice counting in the language being learned.

"Watching movies and TV shows in the target language is a great way to practice listening skills and counting."

Challenging exercises for language practice

  • Incorporate challenging exercises like planks into language practice.

  • Counting in the target language while holding a plank can help improve focus and concentration.

"Challenging exercises like planks can be incorporated into language practice for an added challenge."

"Language learning is not limited to traditional methods, and it's important to find creative ways to incorporate it into daily routines."

Finding Motivation to Study Languages

  • Alexis' method of studying is entertaining and fun, which prevents language learning from becoming boring and tedious.

  • The "disease" of language learning affects 90% of students who are forced to learn a language they have no interest in.

  • Motivation is key to avoiding this "disease" and finding enjoyment in language learning.

"The question is how do we avoid this? And the million-dollar question here is how do we avoid this? And the million-dollar question here is how do we avoid this? And the million-dollar question here is how do we avoid this?"

  • Finding motivation can come from various sources such as traveling, finding a job, watching movies in other languages, etc.

"Your motivation can be anything you want, literally anything."

  • Use a sticky note as a reminder of your motivation.

"I hope you are running to grab that Post-it note right now."

  • Visualize your goals and aspirations every time you study by placing the sticky note in a visible place.

"So it doesn't seem like something in the background, but for me, it's a whole world."

  • This technique helps combat demotivation and serves as a reminder of why you're learning the language.

"Every time you feel demotivated and don't want to continue with another page of grammar rules, you can see it, read it, and imagine yourself traveling or meeting the love of your life in Rome."

Keeping a Study Cheat Sheet

  • Create a cheat sheet with all the problematic words, phrases, or concepts that cause confusion, frustration, or doubts.

  • Keep this cheat sheet readily accessible while studying to save time searching for answers.

"It's much easier and practical than searching for new material every time you have a doubt."

  • The technique of "genius loci" is a mnemonic device that relates words to objects, making memorization easier.

"It's about creating connections between different objects to facilitate memorization."

  • For example, associating the word "Facebook" with "desayuno" (breakfast) in Spanish can help remember the word.

"In German, the word for 'Facebook' is 'Frühstück' (breakfast), so I imagine myself having breakfast by the fruit store with a bunch of people."

Talking to Yourself

  • Speaking to yourself in the target language helps identify areas for improvement and enhances fluency.

  • It may sound strange or lonely, but it is a beneficial practice for self-correction and improvement.

"I know it sounds strange and lonely, but trust me, it helps a lot."

  • If speaking with yourself feels challenging, reading aloud can also be beneficial, especially if you lack someone to practice with.

"If it feels too difficult to talk to yourself in a conversation, I recommend reading books aloud. If you have someone who speaks the language, that's even better."

  • This technique allows you to hear and notice errors, improving your pronunciation and natural speech flow.

"Although I don't have anyone in my family or among my friends who speaks Japanese, I find myself in the desperate situation of having to talk to myself."

The Magic Disappearing Cheat Sheet

  • The "magic disappearing cheat sheet" is a revolutionary invention that helps with memorization.

  • Write down the words or phrases you need to study on a red piece of transparent plastic.

"This is a magical red piece of paper that makes words disappear, or rather, crosses them out."

  • Use a green marker to cross out the words, making them disappear while still leaving a faint trace.

"Once you have the materials, all you have to do is write with the red pen, and magically, it will disappear. If you don't want to write on your notes or book, you can use the green marker."

  • Practice this technique to reinforce memory retention and challenge yourself to recall words without the aid of the red transparent sheet.

"Now, my brothers and sisters, go and spread the knowledge of the magic disappearing red cheat sheet."

Immersion in the Target Language

  • After learning the basics of a language, immerse yourself by constantly consuming content in that language.

  • Listening, reading, and watching videos in the target language help maintain fluency and make learning new things easier.

"Basically, everything you listen to, see, or read should be in the language you want to learn. This way, you are constantly using the language, and it becomes easier to learn new things."

  • Taking classes with a teacher and practicing with a group that focuses on the language being learned enhances the learning experience.

"If you have the opportunity to take classes with a teacher who can guide you and a group to practice speaking, it is much better."

  • In the absence of language schools, online platforms like Busuu can provide structure and resources for language learning.

"For those who don't have language schools nearby, here are all the details of the language school where I learned German."

"I truly hope this video motivated you to learn a new language and if you would like to see more language-related videos, you can subscribe and follow me on social media. Thank you for joining me in this video, and remember, practice makes perfect. If you want to learn a language, practice, practice, practice."

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