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Memory techniques - Your secret weapon in the information age | Simon Reinhard | TEDxTUM

The Power of Memory Techniques

  • The speaker introduces himself and explains that he will demonstrate the power of memory techniques.

  • He mentions that his goal is to memorize 24 numbers as a starting point for his talk.

  • A random number generator will be used to generate the numbers.

  • When the speaker says "start," the number sequence will begin, and when he says "stop," it will end.

"And here's the random number generator, which will start now."

Demonstrating Memorization

  • The speaker shows a laptop with 24 numbers displayed and claims to have memorized them.

  • He asks the audience to believe him as he mentions the 24 numbers and his ability to recall them.

"Okay! What I just did was there were 24 numbers displayed on the small laptop, and I just memorized them. So, you have to trust me that there were 24 numbers and that I memorized them."

Recall Exercise

  • The speaker turns towards the audience and announces that he will try to recite the numbers by looking at them.

  • Each number will appear on the screen as he recalls it.

"So, we'll start now with five, one, nine, eight, four, nine, nine, six, six, eight, seven, two, two, eight, five, seven, two, four, seven, five, two, one, zero, three."

Limited Memory and Recall

  • The speaker highlights the importance of memory in our lives while acknowledging its limitations.

  • He challenges the audience to remember fifteen words within twenty seconds.

  • After the time is up, he encourages them to try and recall as many words as they can.

  • He explains that some words may be easily remembered, while others may be completely forgotten.

"Good, it seems like you probably remember seven, eight, or maybe nine words, but there are still some words you won't be able to remember. And I did this to demonstrate that this is what happens in school, in university, in your work, and in your daily life. That feeling that there's still a lot of information that you've learned and simply can't access."

The Problem with Natural Learning

  • The speaker discusses the issue with natural learning, where much of what is learned is lost after just one day.

  • He explains that the brain creates connections while learning, but these connections are unstable.

  • After a day, a significant amount of information is lost, leaving only the main points or headings.

"After one day, a lot of it is lost, and what you will have left are just the main points of what you wanted to remember. They're more like headings or main points, and often, that's not enough."

The Need for Memory Techniques

  • The speaker highlights the need to use memory techniques to overcome the limitations of natural learning and recall.

  • He mentions that relying on notes can be time-consuming and may not satisfy people's expectations.

  • He believes that there is a better way to improve memory and recalls.

"And I believe that even though our memory is limited, I'm sure that you can still retrieve some of the work of memory at the beginning."

Retaining More Information

  • The speaker asserts that it is possible to retain more information than what natural learning allows.

  • He argues that even though our memory is limited, we can still acquire the skill of retrieving information.

  • The speaker emphasizes the importance of memory techniques in helping us access information that is otherwise difficult to recall.

"And I believe that even though our memory is limited, I'm sure that you can still retrieve some of the work of memory at the beginning."

Memory Techniques as a Powerful Tool

  • The speaker concludes that memory techniques are a powerful tool that can enhance our ability to remember and recall information.

  • He suggests that these techniques can address the challenge of limited memory and improve our learning and productivity.

"And I believe that we can do better than that. And I believe that even though our memory is limited, I'm sure that you can still retrieve some of the work of memory at the beginning."

Memory Techniques - Historical use of memory techniques (t:310)

  • Use of memory techniques dates back thousands of years to ancient Romans, Greeks, and medieval monks.

  • In modern times, memory techniques have become a sport where people memorize large amounts of numbers, words, and faces.

"In the modern age, memory techniques have become a sport. People sit and memorize a vast number of numbers, words, and faces."

Memory Techniques - The power of the brain and mind (t:359)

  • Studies have shown that the brain and mind create a network to connect information with places.

  • This is also supported by the evolutionary perspective of knowing where to find food and detect danger for survival.

"The brain and mind create a network to connect information with places. This is supported by studies and the evolutionary perspective of survival."

Memory Techniques - Places as strong triggers of memories (t:423)

  • Places can act as powerful triggers for memories.

  • Memories associated with places can include conversations, smells, tastes, and overall feelings.

  • Marcel Proust's famous novel "In Search of Lost Time" explores how the smell and taste of a madeleine cake trigger childhood memories.

"Places can be stronger triggers of memories. They can evoke memories of conversations, smells, tastes, and overall feelings, just like Marcel Proust's novel 'In Search of Lost Time.'"

Memory Techniques - Linking information to places (t:438)

  • The goal is to intentionally link information to places using mnemonic techniques.

  • Follow a specific order while mentally walking through places to maintain the connection of information.

  • For example, mentally walking from the door to the stairs, to the car, to the wall, and finally to the town hall.

"The goal is to intentionally link information to places. Follow a specific order while mentally walking through places to maintain the connection of information."

Memory Techniques - Using key images (t:536)

  • Select key images or keywords to represent each section or sentence.

  • These key images or keywords serve as memory triggers for recalling the information linked to places.

"Select key images or keywords to represent each section or sentence, serving as memory triggers for recalling information linked to places."

Memory techniques in action

  • Memory techniques can help you remember and recall information more effectively.

  • By using memory techniques, you can understand the meaning of information and speak confidently.

  • The speaker chooses five locations (forest, staircase, highway, wall, town hall) and five keywords (rainforest, descend, fast roads, prohibit, government) to demonstrate how to connect them.

"The idea is that certain aspects of the place guide you to the keyword that you have linked to the place."

Connecting locations and keywords

  • Look for similarities between the locations and keywords to create connections.

  • For example, the speaker connects "door" with "rainforest" since both are made of wood.

  • Likewise, "stairs" and "descend" both have the concept of going downwards.

  • "Car" and "highway" are connected because cars usually travel on fast roads.

  • "Wall" and "prohibit" are linked because walls commonly prevent access.

  • Finally, "town hall" and "government" are connected since a town hall is part of the government.

"The idea is that certain aspects of the place guide you to the keyword that you have linked to the place."

Applying the technique

  • Once the keywords are securely stored in your mind, each keyword can help you progress in your speech or presentation.

  • With this technique, you can easily remember and recall a larger number of words, even up to 200 or more.

  • The use of locations and keywords provides flexibility and is more effective than natural memory.

  • When information is placed in specific locations, more than 90% of the information can be retained the following day.

"The great thing is that if you use locations, it really doesn't matter if you have 5 or 500 words, as long as you do the linking correctly."

Memory technique: A powerful tool in the information age

  • The speaker faced a challenge in negotiating with a hotel manager, who was known to be ruthless.

  • The speaker prepared a list of more than ten key points and rehearsed them in his hotel room.

  • He wrote down the points in a nice order, including the hotel corridor view, the golf resort, and his loss of confidence in the brand.

  • The speaker used keyword associations to remember the points by placing them in specific locations.

  • He confidently approached the hotel manager and successfully remembered and delivered all the key points.

  • The speaker was able to maintain eye contact, composure, and focus, as he was never afraid of forgetting.

  • The technique can be used by professionals in various fields such as finance managers, traders, painters, language teachers, and scientists.

  • The memory technique provides a way to retain control, reduce stress, and improve performance in various aspects of life.

"Wherever there is pressure and challenges that I want to overcome, this list helps me."

Memory techniques as a powerful tool

  • People have a choice regarding memory techniques: ignore them or embrace them as something new and promising.

  • Memory techniques have a lot of potential due to the limitations of our memory.

"Memory techniques have the potential to greatly benefit us."

Utilizing memory techniques for progress

  • Memory techniques have the potential to advance us in various ways.

  • Traditionally, trade and science have been complex aspects of humanity's quest for discovery.

  • It is important to use any methods available, including memory techniques, to accelerate progress.

"We should embrace memory techniques to expedite progress."

Encouraging the use of memory techniques

  • The audience is encouraged to try out memory techniques and witness the extent of their capabilities.

  • Unlike the novel's protagonist Michael Prost, using memory techniques will not waste your time.

"Try it out and see the heights you can reach."

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